[img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/154/b/8/Darkness_Bringers_by_PearlEden.jpg] Creatures chased Amelia as she flew away. Although Jack managed to hold his ground, he wasn't able to stop all of them from following her. They roared and scurried the caves leaving a track of black aura as they ran. They made no noise aside from their footsteps. This type of magic was all too familiar to Jack. Shadow magic. Something Pitch was an expert in, but this wasn't his, it was impossible. Not even Pitch could corrupt a cave serpent that large. This magic came from somewhere deep within the unknown cave systems of the mountain range. Jack wasn't sure what sort of powerful being could curse a monster so enormous, but he hoped that he would never have to find out. Jack flew across the walls, running on them like gravity wasn't an issue. He lured as many away from Amelia as he could, getting them grouped together so he could ice massive blows into the groups. But each time he could get a hit on them, he couldn't help but look at Elsa. She was on ground level, and her shadow behaved like an animal. It couldn't walk on walls like Jack could, but it growled at Jack like an angry mutt. Jack prayed that it wasn't the real Elsa.