"Oh we do not want them dead, not yet." Tonak toyed with his glass slightly. "We want your friend to be captured and taken aboard there vessel. We even want him to maybe convince them to let him roam freely. For one real reason, leverage. They are going to try and take the facility from you, they will try and convince you that their way of running things is the best way of doing it. They will try and change the politics so that everyone gets a say rather the strongest such as yourself becoming leaders." Tonak holstered his pistol as he took a sip from his glass. "It isn't good enough that you haven't captured him yet, there are a lot of details that we could learn from him. He was master of this planet for generations think of the knowledge we could reap from his mind about the facility. We need this to happen to make Kane and your people strong. I even hear that Kane is considering giving you two Ha'tak vessels in payment to your loyalty over the years and your continued support. He thinks you will find therm very useful especially for when the people of the Tauri find out about your little facility here." Tonak placed the glass back down on the table. He walked away from the table slightly and took out a device and placed it on his arm. "I hate to go all melodramatic on you Halion. However I will be watching you and how this goes, you know Kane doesn't like to be disappointed." With that he touched the device and faded out of sight, obviously wielding a Sodan Cloak devices. Whether or not it was one of the working models or not could be determined so easily.