[b]A dull section of space[/b] [b]Pre-slam[/b] A dull day for dull pay, that's what Lux often had to deal with. Constant failures yet still a competent enough pilot to keep her mecha from being reassigned and getting shafted to an old Gespent [Although being a psychodriver might have had something to do with her getting to keep her mecha]. It had not been able to save her from the doom of the most dull job imaginable, guard duty.The blonde couldn't help but let out a bored sigh, watching the shipment of supplies flying towards a space station to give them the much needed food. This is what she'd been relegated to, guard duty for foodstuffs. ''I really could do with a bit of action.'' She said, tilting her head and her cigar nearly falling out of her mouth. After a while later, she hadn't been paying attention to the time at all, her comms crackled to life. ''Cargo has been successfully delivered.'' Oh, that was it? No pirates coming to take the loot of delicious jams and jellies, wheat and apples? No sudden breakdown due to an overlooked wire? Lux leaned back, placing a hand on her chin and gaining an annoyed look across her face. Maybe these constant dull missions were punishment. ''Confirmed, I'll return to base shortly for my next assignment.'' Lux acknowledged, signing off and then spinning around in her mecha. Blasting off towards the base, at least this was something she could enjoy. Flight was always fun, no matter how often it was she had to do it.