[b]Carbombya[/b] "Are you sure about this? It sounds awfully silly that they won't have some sort of back up system in place." The Predacon was getting seriously annoyed by Brainwave's refusal to accept what he was saying. "Look, we've been over this three times already. Tarantulas can't be controlling everyone directly. There has to be a hub to process the data and issue orders and that hub will require power." "Okay, sure. But why use Carbombya's shitty infrastructure?" "What else are they going to do if they want to keep a low profile? Build a giant ass spire everyone can see from orbit? Who the hell is crazy enough to do that?" "More Megatron's than you'd like to know..." Mused Brainwave. "I'd like to point out once again if this isn't Tarantulas, and I agree it likely is which may not be a good thing, but if it isn't him our plan is worthless." "I'm aware but I don't know any of Unicron's other servants personally to make a plan to deal with them." Megatron continued plowing through abandoned cars on the way to Carbombya City's main power plant. The cars left on the road as people ran for cover as the fighting on the outskirts of the city started had made this plan slow going. Slow enough that the overlord's Piranacon's caught up to them. "Oh this is ridiculous... Those things should be way too slow to catch up to us." The Transtech transformed and once again jumped on Megatron's back to fire upon the Piranacon horde. "Why'd you have to use your particle accelerator cannon first chance you got and scare the shit out of everyone in the city." "How was I supposed to know? Why didn't you give me any rear facing weapons? I'd be able to take care of this easily if you did." "Oh shut up, we copied your original vehicle mode. It's your fault for picking an awful one." The pair argued as Brainwave picked off members of the horde 1 by 1. The power station was in sight, they'd be there in a few minutes. The problem was there would likely been shoes there guarding it and with the razor toothed beasts chasing them they'd be fighting a battle on two fronts. "Megatron, we have to stop and fight them now! We can't deal with them and the power plants guards at the same time." "I'm curious what makes you think we're fighting the guards at all. I just need one clear shot, yes!" "Define clear shot." Brainwave had a feeling he knew where this was going and he didn't like it. "Use your imagination." The answer certainly wasn't to his liking. "I'm sure this country is going to love us when we're done..."