[b][u]Clayton[/b][/u] Clayton's face lit up with the promise of the plastic container on the needle being able to do something awesome, and nodded in compliance when she asked if he noticed the weapon grip looked like a syringe. Of course, his look of excitement turned into an expression of slight confusion and embarrassment soon after when she described (rather poorly) how she could shoot liquid in needle form, and then clarified that it was nothing dirty. His face got a bit redder as he shook the thought out of his head before he started wondering: [i] "Wait...where does she keep the liquid when not in weapon form..."[/i]. Pushing that out of his mind, his face returned to its usual tinge as he realized just how dangerous Ana's weapon form was, injecting someone with this much poison had to be deadly, and he wasn't even sure what KIND of poison it was. Before he could finish thinking about the repercussions of using venom in a weapon, she glowed brightly and returned to her human form. [b]"Wait a second...where exactly am I going to get more poison?"[/b] He said with a perplexed expression as he held his chin with his right hand. [b]"And...what exactly does that poison do to people? Is it a nerve-toxin, or is it just raw venom?"[/b] [b][u]Lemuria[/b][/u] [b]"I'm not dressed like this for cosplay actually. It was just part of the- Aw screw it it wasn't funny anyways."[/b] She said as she realized the pirate line didn't earn her any comedic gains. She was, however, a bit more concerned about Edelweiss getting upset about not getting to see under the patch, and continued with: [b]"H-Hey don't worry about it Eddie, it's nothing important anyway, just an empty eye socket!"[/b] She wiped a bit of sweat from her brow, the sun was REALLY freaking hot, and still smiling with that same, stupid face. Holding her forearm above her brow, she turned to the others and said: [b]"You guys think we could uh, take this conversation somewhere a little less hot? I can't stand the heat..."[/b] Before she could start following her own advice of finding shade, a new mysterious stranger stepped into the conversation...looked like a middle-aged man, only thing about him that seemed odd was that he was dressed in black clothing on a day this sweltering, and he was at least a full half foot taller than her, he looked like a rather sullen person, but considering his age and imposing figure, she looked straight at his eyes and asked: [b]"Excuse me, but um...are you a teacher here?"[/b]