"Forever Standing" few moments after 6 am. "Never hear about such thing," the barman answered as he was serving another of the patrons which hanged on the bar and asked: "Would you like anything to drink?" The rest of the bar was just like any other bar in Europe - a place to grab beer and food. The motel occupied the second and third floor while that less moral job of "Forever Standing" was done in the fourth floor of the brick building which it occupied. The bar patrons were mostly a usual mix of better standing refugees, folks from the old town and two or three guns for hire and similar folks which were always demanded. Two EUFOR soldiers from the Fifth Armored Battalion entered the bar and took one four chair table and started a conversation which pointed out that two more soldiers would join them for some poker and beer. The kitchen doors behind the bar opened to allow a waiter to carry out two eggs and bacon which was ordered by an Arabian news reporter - which came to report on the situation in the Danube Canyon after the recent Chinese try to take the former are of the city of Bratislava - and it resulted in an array of smells of food being cooked to fill the bar. All in all it was a ordinary morning in the "Forever Standing"... *** Soa was waiting and she knew who would be needed for this task - the greatest task in her life - someone that cloud protect her from the dangers that she will face on her path. She first decided to approach the four armed woman which entered the "Forever Standing", guessing that she would be easier to convince that the much weirder one which was clad in spiked armor, and without any rush she came up to the woman's table and spoke up: "Hello, my name is Soa and I am in need of your services, if you care to provide them." Her voice rang across the bar, but to most it was just another chatter in a sea of others, but to one of those which gathered here it sounded like the sound of flames, the flames which he so desperately searched for.