[centre][b]Frank Carter[/b][/centre] The camp was now in chaos, there were walkers everywhere and civilians running away from them. As he was driving Frank blasted through a tent and then into another as he was trying to avoid some civilians. "Stop. Please stop!" Said Sarah as Frank stopped the car and she opened the door. "Come on Buddy! come here boy!" Said Sarah as she instructed a [url=http://animalkingdomz00.com/images/border-collie-15.jpg]border collie[/url] dog to come to her. The dog was cornered by 4 walkers and kept moving backwards and barking at them. Then after hearing Sarah, he ran through the legs of a walker and jumped straight into the black Chevelle on Sarah's arms. "What's with the dog anyway?" Asked Frank not understanding what's going on. "His name is Buddy and he belonged to the family that had it's tent next to ours. The Harrison's remember." Said Sarah as she was patting Buddy on his forehead. Frank said nothing and nodded in approval. "Umm, Frank, why aren't we moving?" Said Sarah concerned as she saw some walkers getting close to the car. Frank didn't respond to her question however. He hit the clutch pedal and started revving the car as he looked straight to the main entrance, where some leftover marines were battling walkers. "Fraaank?" Shouted Sarah as she turned her view to Frank and then to the main entrance in the camp. "Oh my God! You don't wanna..." Said Sarah not continuing her sentence. "Yes I wanna!" Said Frank as he continued revving the car then all of a sudden he stopped as he hit the accelerator pedal and the car started doing a burnout. "Wanna see what happens when you put sufficient torque into the rear wheels?" Said Frank as he looked at Sarah smiling. "All I want is to get out of here. Come on Frank stop showing off. In case you haven't noticed walkers are closing in on the car." Said Sarah concerned as she raised her voice. Eventually Frank let go of the acceleratoin as the Chevelle sprang forward and started to do a wheelie as the front end of the car rised up in then air for about 5 seconds. Frank, visibly pleased by his accomplishment blasted through the walkers at the gate and even hit a Marine too. "Oh My God you hit that guy!" Said Sarah as she looked back at the marine who fell on the ground and a couple of walkers ganged up on him and started biting off him. "Relax, he was gonna die anyway. What matters is that we are out of that place." Said Frank with a cold stare in the rear view mirror as he kept hitting some walkers that were in his way. "So what are we gonna do now?" Asked Sarah as she kept playing with the dog on her lap. "I'm thinking." Said Frank staring at the clear road in front of him. Just as he was doing that, Frank heard a message on his radio in which some guy was calling out to anyone that escaped the camp. He said that they need to regroup and gave a destination too. West to the I-5, where Las Purgas meets the freeway. Franks abruptly stops the car as he started thinking. "Well are we gonna go there?" Asked Sarah, looking at Frank. "Well you know what they say. The more the merrier." Said Frank smiling, turned the car around and drove to the destination given. "Thank God I decided to keep the radio open. Just in case." He said. --------------------------------------------------------------- [center][b]Joe Carter[/b][/center] "Nice to meet you Lex." Said Joe smiling. As he payed attention to what Lexie was saying, Joe couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she was. He had a thing for redheads too. After Lexie asked him what's his story, Joe layed down on the hood of a car, took a deep breath and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I was born and raised in Los Angeles, but my family is from New York. My father used to work as a secretary for the owner of a real-estate company and my mother was a teacher. I have a brother, Frank, he's 9 years older then me and is a homicide detective for the LAPD. Unfortunately he and I never really got along. He always felt that my parents were giving me more attention then him, and I can't really say that's a lie because I felt it too. But Frank...he was always so bad. I can't believe he even became a cop. You know I could've become a doctor, if it wasn't for this outbreak." Said Joe as he paused for a few seconds. "Anyways, i'm heading for Camp Pendleton. Some guy told me two days ago that the military took alot of survivors there. Where are you going?" Asked Joe.