Darkness. That was all there was around the Blood Dragon as he waited for the Humans to pawn him off as if he were some kind of object. The Blood Dragon recalled everything that happened to him for this to happen. Those damned humans invaded his home -again-. Why couldn't they have left well enough alone!? Was it not enough that Gore stopped attacking them!? Did they truly have to take him from his hearth for nothing but profit!? With that thought in his head, he pressed himself against the tight and heavy chains that were pressed down against his body. With a low grumble, he forced himself up into them to try and loosen them only to find his body still wounded from the torture they had forced upon him. His wings looked mostly broken, as if to keep him from flying for at least some time. Moving his head enough to look at his partially broken body, the Dragon began to huff in laughter at the situation. He began to question his own choices in the centuries that have passed. After all, that is all he had left at the moment, his memories of the choices that have changed history as he knew it. That's when he felt someone come closer to him, making him tense up before growling at the people who planned to pull him out for the auction. From the Darkness of where they kept him to the night air that was well lit, making Gore's teal eyes narrow at the bright lights. It looked as if they were meant for some kind of festival, not for selling a sentient being. Once he was placed in the center, Gore's head quickly began to move to see just how many had come to see him. These insects..these -monsters-. All of them came to see a legend suffer, To watch as the great Blood Dragon was humiliated in front of thousands, if not more. After a moment, the larger man began to speak about him as if the child knew who he held in chains. Gore bared his fangs at the man who was near, as he tried to entice the people to pay a great sum for him, only to have several people make smaller offers. This caused the ancient Dragon to huff in laughter, watching the man on the stand who began to shift nervously. At this rate, they weren't going to get enough to pay back the Hunters whom claimed him. The next few minutes went slow as people began to raise their offers, slightly. That is when the larger man moved over to the Blood Dragon, making Gore tense up, narrowing his eyes at the large man who came closer to him. [b]-Thwack-[/b] As soon as the man kicked him, Gore pressed against the chains and roared loudly, actually causing the lights to crack around him. Leaning out, he snapped his massive jaws at the fat man, causing the auctioneer to actually recoil in fear, looking back at the crowd who seemed to be covering their ears and cowering. Though within moments, men had come out with spears and held them at the ready in case the 'prize' Dragon actually got out. The auctioneer coughed, clearing his throat before he continued to tell the crowd at how abusing this Dragon was more a risk than anything, but he was still tame enough to be owned. This made Gore huff even more considering the man himself was ready to flee for the hills. With that, Gore's eyes slowly narrowed at the people around him. He began to wonder just what would happen to him if he didn't sell..His wings hurt more than anything else and he was having trouble moving them. Flying would be impossible. Without flight and being in the middle of whatever city he was in, the ancient Dragon realized there was no escape. So, he lowered his head as he began to contemplate how he would make it out of this with -some- dignity. With an uncomfortable shift, Gore decided he would do something he, nor any Dragon enjoyed doing. Some things were just meant to be private but if it meant a better chance for him to be free? He had to do something. Besides, this could prove to be somewhat amusing. The chains began to rattle a bit as Gore clasped his jaws, feeling his wings slowly fade within his form. His entire form began to shrink, causing the chains to began to fall off him, even if some had stayed, it didn't seem to stop what was happening. The snout the Dragon had began to withdraw and as his tail began to also seem to fade within him. His scales also did the same and within the span of a few minutes, there stood a human male that stood at 6'1. The rune that was upon his shoulder was more than proof of who was now standing before the crowd, but it wasn't needed. After all if one looked into those teal eyes, they would know who he was. With darkened hair and a tanned complexion, the creature pushed the remaining chains from his body before walking over to the large man, tilting his head at him. The horns that remained on his head looked sharp enough to impale someone. The large man didn't look back until he felt something touch his shoulder, that is when he turned and saw that Gore had shifted into his human form. A form that no one had seen in ages. He immediately recoiled, only to have Gore throw him toward the slab he used to be in. With that, he grabbed the microphone, moving his darkened claws over the instrument that the larger man had. The men around him all looked to each other, terrified to see the Blood Dragon out of chains, but waited to act. Another moment passed before Gore took a deep breath. "As it seems.. every last one of you fear me, aye? So then you must know of me. As you should..For all of you must know of the tales that go with the name your ancestors had granted me. Allow me to answer such a question. Aye..those tales are true. I once desired the blood of your ancestors to be spilled, causing your ancestors to quake with the same fear you do today. If I were the dog that this..-thing- suggests I am, than I would not be worth the price as every youngling sold this moon. Though is that not why you had ventured to this place? Did you all truly wish for a pet, or the myth that is the Blood Dragon? Hah if not, then your journey to see the great me was truly was misplaced and you should venture to your hearths. Though if one among you actually recognizes that of which could be yours? By all means..stay your hand. Those who have the heart to take up true ownership will know respect, for I guarantee your kind as well as mine shall falter when they hear that name your kin have granted -me-.." With that, he turned to move to the stage, jumped up onto it before setting the microphone down. The men with the spears all wanted to put him back in chains and take him away for talking back, but oddly enough the offers began to rise, making the Dragon before them grin and show a fang. Gore -hated- this form. To him, looking like one of their kind was an insult and disgrace to his true lineage as well as speaking their common tongue. He couldn't help the accent he held considering the last time he was one of them, they spoke perfectly in a more civilized manner. So he couldn't help that. These -things- around him should be honored. They were the first to see this form. Course he was clothed in dark garb, that seemed to come from the transition alone. Though he had to play the part he did, if he didn't sell well he had no doubt what would happen. They would take it out on him and others of his kind to be able to make up for the loss of profit which was something the Anicent Dragon couldn't allow. The Dragon began to wonder if these people knew he was intelligent enough to even speak for himself..If they did, they seemed to be rather quiet about it..