Alexander shakes his head. "No, No I'm not a teacher. I'm here seeking shelter from people that would harm me without second thought." He takes his hat off, showing long black hair and a surprisingly kind face. His age was obvious, he was not young at all. "My appearance makes people fear me, and when people fear something, they attack it. Plain and simple." He puts his hat back on, and sighs. "But, when one is the son of a Witch, people assume the worst. I guess I should not blame them. Witches have been forces to fear for a long while. My name is Alexander Vanzrix, by the way. Now you know who I am, and from the looks it's easy to tell you are all either weapons or meisters. I'm a bit more... unique for reasons I'd rather keep to myself for now." He does however go over to a more shady spot. George was a little shocked at what the man just said. His mother was a witch? He decided it best to hold his tongue though. This man was quite intimidating, he was not going to lie to himself. Wilson however did not know what to think. The name seemed familiar too. This was just weird. He shakes the thought from his head once more. No need to worry about these little thoughts. They happen a lot sometimes.