Otto was extremely happy when Johnny made it into the vehicle in one piece but there was absolutely no time available to celebrate. Instead Otto put his foot down as hard as he could, speeding off and making his way quickly through the almost now fully infected base. He got to the smashed gates just in time to see an awesome looking black muscle car storm through a crowd of infected escaping, sadly hitting a living soldier that was about to be eaten anyway. Still, it was a disturbing sight. Otto kept his foot down and sped through the gates after the black vehicle, running over the soldier that had already been hit hoping to put him out of his misery and stop him from being eaten alive. The feeling of success that came from escaping the camp didn't last long however as Otto was made aware of Johnny sticking his gun in Tristan's face. Looking in the rear view mirror Otto felt a sudden anger take over him. “Please do something.” Jade spoke; a barely audible whisper. Johnny reached over her somewhat dangerously as he was still driving, pulling her seatbelt over and clicking it in place. After he immediately slammed on the break, pulling the car to a full halt and sending both Johnny and Tristan flying. “No, he's not bitten! Would he have looked that scared of a gun in his face if he was already dead? Keep that fucking shotgun down.” Otto almost shouted, taking a deep breath once he had finished. “Look, we've all seen a lot of death. We're all tense, I know I am, but we have to trust each other. We're bound to see a lot more death and in order to make sure we're not the ones experiencing it we have to pull together, not apart. So, fresh start, Johnny, this is Jade and this is her brother Tristan. I had a hand in saving all your asses, so see, you even have something in common.” Otto took another deep, yet less stressful breath and once again began driving. “I-5 here we come.”