Jen was settled in the nursery with Tilly when she heard a soft knock on the door. She'd admitted defeat and sent the babysitter home a couple of hours ago when Tilly had decided she wasn't going to settle without her momma, and it had taken hours for Jen to even get her to settle and sit still. They were currently snuggled in her Rocking chair, bundled in a blanket and drifting to sleep as her mother sang softly to her, but as the door knocked, she stirred. Sighing softly, Jen pushed herself up from the rocker, cradling her now alert daughter on her hip, making her way to the front door. Her hand reached to open it as a yawn escaped her lips. She was dressed comfortably, in a pair of sweatpants and one of Wes' old hoodies, with one of his favourite sports teams on, her hair loose down her back. She recognised his figure as the door opened, and smiled, automatically moving to hand him their daughter. "Here, she's just drifting off. You'll be able to put her down. Daddy's the baby whisperer after all" She spoke softly, and stepped aside to let them into the house. "Hey baby girl, hey" Wes pulled his daughter into his arms as she reached out with her little ones. "Come on, let's go put you to beddy bye's and momma can relax with a glass of wine huh? Yeah, let's go dream" He smiled to Jen before ascending the stairs and went into the nursery. With Tilly nestled in a nice bundle, Wes spoke softly to her. In the two years since her birth, he had never told Jen his little secret to getting her to sleep, it was their thing. Once his child's little eyes were closed, the actor laid her down and kissed her forehead before descending the stairs, making sure to leave the landing light on just in case. He entered the living room and took off his jacket. "Hi" He smiled to his ex. Once Wes returned downstairs to her living room, she shuffled over on her couch, leaving room for him beside her, patting the space next to her. Once he'd settled down beside her, she tucked herself under his arm, placing her wine glass on the floor infront of her. She snuggled into his chest and let out a soft yawn. "When're you gonna tell me your little secret to get her to sleep? She wasn't having any of it tonight. She screamed when I tried to sing her one of my new songs. She's so stubborn" A soft chuckle escaped her lips, her eyes closing softly as she curled her legs up with her. They may not be in a relationship anymore, but they were still best friends, and cuddling once Tilly was asleep was a regular occurance, especially when Jen was exhausted. "The secret is....I just monotonously read her a script. Bores her right to sleep" He laughed softly as he began stroking her hair. "She gets that stubbornness from you, you know?" I dread to think what she'll be like as a teenager" Wes wanted Jen back, he made no secret of it. He wanted the three of them to be a family again but he was well aware that it was far away from happening. "You didn't miss much tonight, same old stuff. Lot people covering up their dirty secrets with a veil of charity. Though I did meet someone interesting, they offered me a part in their next movie but apparently the studio doesn't see me as bankable. We're meeting tomorrow but I can still pick up Tilly usual time" "Mmm, I know. That's when she gets to go spend more time at her dad's" Jen grinned playfully, relaxing a little at his fingers running throughout her hair. "I was more than prepared to come, but someone had other ideas. She's a night owl like her daddy. At least I get a lay in in the morning" She chuckled softly, her body tucking against him just a little more. "I have a recording session tomorrow afternoon, so it works for me. If you reading a script puts her to sleep, I'm sure she'll catch up with her sleep tomorrow" A smile curled over her lips, nudging him softly with her fingertips against his ribs. "All my meetings are first thing, So I'll be done and dusted to take her out of your hair no problem, we'll head to that new park they just finished building for the afternoon and then you wanna swing by my place after you're recording session?" He loved it when they were like this, it was like nothing has changed. "You're not wrong, I've got a load of scripts on my table at the moment. That said, this movie I'm going to see about tomorrow, it's a big movie Jen. They want me for the lead but the studio don't. They want Depp or Downey Jr not a tv guy like me" "Take your time, I don't have to be anywhere till about 1. They know not to schedule anything too early, or I won't co-operate well." She chuckled softly, nudging her forehead against his cheek softly. "If you're meant to get it, you'll get it, it'll be fate" She could feel the tension between the two of them. It was odd for them to just talk about work and Tilly, but there was so much left unsaid between the two of them, it wasn't easy for them to talk about much else. "I should probably go, you should try and get some sleep before she wakes up because you know she will" Wes kissed the top of Jen's head and unwrapped his arm from her body. Getting to his feet, being careful not to knock over her glass of wine he picked up his jacket. "I'll see you tomorrow babe, ok?" He turned and left somewhat quickly. "Mm, I know. She's a pain, but I love her." She smiled softly as he stood, and tried not to notice the half of her body that had grown cold from him moving from her side. "See you tomorrow, Darlin' " Her frown soon faded as she heard the door shut, picking up her wine glass with a soft sigh. She made her way up to bed and undressed, settling into bed, willing sleep to take her.