[quote=Halo] In high school; watching my life disintegrate as my teacher fails me on a technicality (hes, uh, sorta got a grudge against me, long story) and stops me going to the insanely amazing uni I got a conditional offer for (Imperial College London). Yay. On the other hand, I have an unconditional offer to Edinburgh uni, which is... like... 17fh in the world this year, or something, so... #gettingsomefuckingperspective Also, anxiety attacks over the aforementioned clusterfuck keeping me up at night, yay... I'm starting to get pretty exhausted, haha. /ventingCongratulations on your essays; hope you win! Let us know. Why'd you end up picking English? [/quote] I know you likely hear this a lot, but teachers suck and high school can range from being an overall neutral pain in the ass to an absolute nightmare. I had two teachers, one in my freshman year and one when I was a senior, who were dead set on sinking my GPA. That first teacher succeeded in basically getting me kicked out of my first high school, but that's hardly important. I ended up doing alright in terms of getting into college and Edinburgh is a fantastic school, so don't fret over that. I know you'll make the best out of wherever you end up because you seem like the sort. I'll keep you posted on those essays of mine. I'm only a first year, so I'm not too sure they'll be winning much of anything, but I still feel honored to have them nominated in the first place. I chose English because it turns out I really do suck at all sciences except Chem and Orgo, and there's no way I want to devote my life to chemistry. I enjoy writing papers and reading too far into all manner of literature, so it seems like a good choice. It's not the most profitable major out there, but I figure a nice minor to go along with it would set me on the right track for the future. After all, my college has a fairly respectable English Department, so it just seemed like the best choice for me. [quote=Seravee] Today was my last day of classes. :) Next week, I have an exam. Then graduation! [/quote] Egad! You're so old! I mean, congratulations! I only hope to one day be as close to graduation as you are, at this moment. I'm done next Thursday, besides a final paper and completely arbitrary exam.