[center] [img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz1j6uLzMT1rnz4dmo1_500.jpg] TAMAKI SOHMA 24 years old Tamaki is the twin brother of Ryohei, the dragon of the zodiac. His brother was confined to their room, which angered Tamaki greatly after he understood that it was cruel to lock Ryohei away. Growing up Tamaki let nothing stop him from hanging out with his brother and he was often at odds with their parents, usually causing arguments over their treatment of Ryohei. He also discovered that he had the traditional ability of the dragon, a memory erasing technique, and studied documents left by previous family members who had the ability in order to learn to control it. After discovering that the dragon of the zodiac was supposed to be born with his memory power, Tamaki began to believe that he was the one who was supposed to have been born cursed and his brother's suffering was his fault. His protectiveness rose even more and he spent most of his youth devoted to helping his brother. As soon as they were legally old enough Tamaki moved him and Ryohei out of the house. He then studied to become a police officer and once he achieved that goal, Tamaki himself arrested his parents for abuse. Now that he is older and his parents are out of the way, his protectiveness has extended to the other zodiac members and he is willing to help out any of them. He arrested Hayato's parents after discovering their physical abuse and Tamaki has often had to erase the memory of people who discover the curse. His best friend is Jin Sohma, one of his many relatives, and they hang out whenever possible. Jin works for a mysterious organization that he won't mention to Tamaki about and to his bewilderment, Jin often comes home with strange inventions. Many times Jin gives some inventions to Tamaki, like a jetpack that Jin created, and Tamaki learned years ago to not bother asking how or why he has such things. [/center]