If you're still accepting members I would definitely be interested in playing a human role. [quote]Hmm... Maybe the story should revolve around a group of humans finding each other and then trying to build some sort of place for them to live in relative safety from the Monsters? And the Monsters could be trying to hunt them down and destroy their homes and such.[/quote] This reminds me of a roleplay I did years ago in another community. It was set a few months after the destruction and there were several small civilizations already created and a form of currency was also established. The idea was that there were smaller groups within the community responsible for certain tasks. My character was a member of a scavenging group that went searching for weapons (we used basic guns, like hunting rifles and revolvers and pistols), food, gasoline/horse feed. The natural resistances were similar to this one with half-monsters roaming the lands and we'd attempt to circle around them, or at times we would even have to engage in unavoidable combat. And now that I think about it it really was like military work. Anyway I'm just rambling. The idea is great even without a set end in mind, and with other roleplayers playing the conflicts it is bound to make for interesting play.