[b]Floyd - Catacombs - Katie[/b] The dirty redneck stared down the giant, watching him escape from sight with Harley. A small trail of blood drops followed the two men to wherever they were headed. Must have been Harley's broken nose or something. Floyd couldn't believe he was left alone and trusted to do as Bull said. Why in the world would he not use this time to escape? But it was true, what could he do? Even is he were able to get his hands on the guns spoken of, there was no way he would be able to take down every raider he met on the escape. He would be confronted and killed for treason, a treason he never desired to be tied into. Knowing he had no other choice, Floyd turned to the child who still held to his leg. He could see the tears run down her cheeks like rainfall. Her tears were soaking his cargo pants. In attempt to calm her, the redneck placed his rough hand on her head. "Calm down kid, these are ma gud pants" he joked without a smile. Then he released himself from her grasp and walked in front of her. "Now, let's get ya to your room" he continued. He waited to follow her, patiently, but irritated at his situation. "Anyway, why're ya runnin round down here all on ya own? Your like five, you should stay in ya room, this ain't no place for a kid." Floyd then wiped his mouth with his forearm, trying to remove the dried up blood. He couldn't use his tank because it may be infected. "Do ya know where I can get changed by any chance?" he asked the little girl as he started down a random hallway. "Let's get goin" he called out to her, pretty positive he was going the right way. ------------------------- [b]Haywood Guards - The Road - Tyler/Brad/Raiders[/b] Sam and Elliot made their way back to the black van. They watched as Tyler's men unloaded the cargo supplies and placed them on the 'line'. Robert could see the raider's faces full of question and doubt. It seemed that this rash change of the ordinary caused them to become startled, they seemed to be taking more precaution of what they were doing. At the same time, Tyler was becoming inpatient, something Robert feared. This could lead to an impulsive fire fight. As the raider's leader instructed them to open up the van, Robert understood he had no other choice. It would come down to Jess at this point. If she did not succeed in killing Tyler now, it would most likely cost, not only her own life, but the life of many Haywood guards. Slowly and gently, the slid the van's door open, allowing the sunshine to peak through steadily. This light might have blinded Jess, but only momentarily as Robert extended his hand to hers. He took her by the wrist and pulled her towards him. "Its time. Now or never" he whispered to her, acting as though he was forcing her to him. Merely acting, Robert rushed her out of the van, pushing her along towards the white line. "Here's the girl Tyler, just as described!" he yelled across to him. He began to take her towards the 'line', in the meantime, having his men begin loading the supplies. "Get the knife ready" he whispered yet again to Jess. As he took her forward, he looked to his sides, right and left, licking his bottom lip. This was the sign that everything was about to go down. The men in the woods raised their guns, walking closer to the street without hurry. They didn't want to step on any branches and make an echoing noise across their location. If they did, Tyler would surely know something was up, more than what was already occurring of course. He wasn't a stupid man, maybe just ignorant, thinking nobody could take his organization down. They took down Bruce Levi, this was just another pest to remove from this new earth.