Kalina stepped silently through the forest, not out of secrecy but of respect for the slumbering trees she passed by. She was returning home after a month long journey, a hunting trip with a few of her friends that drew her further North than she would have liked to go. There was no denying that she was excited to be returning home, even after such a short trip, but her family was important to her. That and her brother Herin was always picking on her younger sister, and her father was always too gentle to put a stop to it. Her heart froze as she neared the house, something eerily quiet about the area. There was no sound of sibling rivalry, no smell of fire or food. Her blades were drawn immediately as she scanned the area, stepping cautiously around the grounds to find some clue as to why she found herself alone. The faint scent of metal caught her nose and she tracked it down to a small wet patch on the ground by an arrow. "Blood." She hissed, eyes darting around wildly. "Silica? Herin? Father?" She called out, but she knew she wouldn't receive a response. The only thing she knew to do was to seek council at Rivendell, find someone who could help her track down her missing family. Setting off at a steady pace she began jogging back through the trees on her way to the elven city.