It was too noisy for Hana as she entered the park. From where she was, she could tell that even Central Park was busy in many ways, but different kind of busy as it was a little better than being shoved around in Times Square. Probably at the other side of the park, Hana could hear that some concert occurring. Oh how she hated concerts, it was just a waste of time. would be some ideal place to wander near to, but she just couldn't stand the fact of actually going there. Then there was some random person that happened to shout out on why he came to the park in the first place. [i]That's his problem...[/i] Hana thought to herself, thinking that there wasn't anything interesting to note. Sure, anybody could be a Player to the Survival Game, but she'll rather have everyone kill each other off while she waits for the right moment to spring out. Silently paying no mind to the many other things occurring around her, she made her way towards a bench that was a good distance away from all of the "chaos" that happened almost everywhere, and sat down without a word. She dug through her bag, at least while being here, Hana would at least do something to keep her occupied. "There it is..." Hana mumbled to herself as she pulled out a book, it was titled "To Kill a Mockingbird." Something about these old books seemed better than today's rendition of books. Reading was her other pastime other than blogging. Before reading, she pulled out her iPhone, or otherwise her Future Diary. It had only a few recent entries, but it wasn't that interesting or notable. Like how she was in the gas station's mini store, the clerk had sworn to give her change when she would come by again, but her Diary foretold of his lie, that he would "pretend" to forget when she comes again. However, when she ran into her only friend this morning at her apartment complex, her friend promised to show her a picture of her vacation a few weeks ago, and the Diary did not say anything as if her friend told the truth. So it came to conclusion that her Diary only shows entries when someone lies. [i]But everyone lies to it will be useful to have this around with me from now on...[/i] Hana thought as she turned off her phone and put it away. Hoping no one decides to ruin her "quiet time," Hana opens the book to where she last left off, indulging herself into the book's works.