And here is my Hunter. Took long enough. >.> <.< • Name: Reznor • Age: 60-ish • Gender: Male • Appearance: [url=]Just imagine his hair being greyer.[/url] • Personality: Gruff and serious minded, even when placed in the most bizarre situations. He's been a Doll Hunter for a long time now, and nothing realy surprises him anymore; although he's a man of few words, when he does speak he treats almost everything with sarcasm and a dry wit. Reznor is cold to everyone he meets, especially Dolls; whilst he'll only kill the more morally repugnant Dolls, he is verbally hostile to even the most good natured ones. The most well known fact about Reznor aside from his near-legendary prowess as a hunter is his utter hatred of Dolls, and whilst it is unknown what exactly caused him to develop this hatred he wishes that they would all just go back to where they came from. His firm belief is that humanity would be better off without them. • Backstory: The hunter known only as "Reznor" is a man shrouded in mystery. How or why he became a Doll Hunter is unknown, but his reputation as one of the best hunters in the business is completely unquestioned. His prowess at Doll hunting adds more to the enigma; just how did he get so good at it? And why does a man of his age still pursue such a dangerous vocation? Reznor doesn't show signs of quiting anytime soon either, although he has recently been training a protege in the form of a boy named Horatio Jeremiah Bouken. • Skills: Despite his advancing age, Reznor still seems to be in his physical prime, possessing both the speed and agility needed to fight Dolls and the strength and coordination required to effectively fight with a giant nail. In addition, he is a master gunman; his quickdraw is so fast that it seems like his guns just leap instantly into his hands, and his aim is so precise he can hit a fly from a kilometer away. However, despite his almost peerless skills with them, he very rarely uses the twin revolvers he always has on his person. Reznor is still a master at close-quarters combat, though; years of experience have taught him how to brawl with the best of them, and the name of the giant nail Golgotha has become synonymous with death amongst Dolls who veer on the wrong side of the law. • Weapons: [url=]Golgotha[/url], a nine foot long nail. Despite how impractical such a weapon would seem to be, Reznor wields it with such skill that any impracticalities are seemingly non-existant. He also always has two masterwork revolvers on his person, although he rarely if ever uses them; curiously enough, they bare the rather non-threatening names "Daisy" and "Lily".