From afar, the stadium looked oddly quiet as if devoid of life. For someone to only just be approaching the stadium, it brought a weighing sense of doubt as to whether or not they were wasting their time and effort just to catch one last possible glimpse of the Blood Dragon before the beast became another ‘face in the crowd’. Of course, if given the opportunity, Rosalie would have liked to have gone back and make it very clear that she had no plans in leaving Kalandor just to take photos of some overgrown, crimson lizard she had enccountered some three weeks ago. As lucky as she was to see the scaled beast -and be saved by the creature- it was more than enough excitement for one month. It seemed, that as ready as the girl was to finally leave the nest and search the world for her father, she had never [i]ever[/I] dreamt that she would be put in so much danger in such little time. She did, however, allow herself to become a little sidetracked by the fancy machines for sale near the stadium itself; mechanisms that would transport the driver through the air and were the latest and most convenient mode of travel through the streets. She slowed, eyeing the shiny new designs with suppressed excitement and, for a moment, forgot about the amount of time remaining for the auction. Her enthusiasm for the machines might have even been close to a person in the midst of picking out a motorcycle from the many available, but considering that one machine would cost quite a lot, she really had to ask herself if she needed one or just wanted one. If she had one of these, surely it would cut her travel time to and around the city -or any town, for that matter- in half. It made sense that the city of Desdemona would hold such treasures and perhaps the trip here was not a such a waste of time and money after all. About to make an approach and perhaps spend all her money -along with the fair portion Setton had left her- in one go, a roar she deemed to have come from the stadium startled not just her but also the people around her, all heads turning towards the stadium - which would make sense considering the stadium was occupied and for very good reason. Rosalie shivered but not from the cool air as she looked down, forcing herself to focus. That roar should have sounded just like any other fierce roar that a dragon would emit, but for some reason, this one was dreadfully familiar. Remembering what she needed to do before she slacked off, the girl hurried off in the direction of the stadium with her camera grasped tightly in hand. There were quite a lot of well-dressed individuals sitting in the stands but some of those present seemed interested in only catching a glimpse of the dragon of legend. It was interesting that Druthers&Druthers’ auction was open to the public of all ages. Usually, children weren’t allowed to attend something such as this because of the events having the potential to go terribly wrong. After all, children should remain innocent until a certain time in their lives where they would better be able to grasp various concepts and behave maturely. Quite a lot of things could go wrong during an auction such as this if not handled in a correct manner. This also just meant Rosalie had to be more mindful as she worked on somehow navigating her way through the crowd to a spot where she would be able to take a good shot of the dragon for Sigmund and Eric. Oh, how they were going to owe her. As she moved about, she paid no heed to the new voice that had taken over and had piqued the crowd’s interest. “Excuse me.. Uh... sorry!” She said quickly, weaving through the crowd around the stage. Rosalie brushed shoulders with a couple of people in trying to get to the centre, earning a few frowns and comments of disapproval as she went on. However, the attention did not remain fixed on her for very long seeing as they were more interested in what was happening on stage... whatever it was. The girl would try to remain as inconspicuous as possible in the case a few hunters were present. The fear of being taken in was with her no longer, but she just did not want to run into any trouble during her little ‘holiday’. Once in a position where she would be able to get a good shot of the Blood Dragon, Rosalie looked up only to question why there was a giant slab with loose chains around it and why there wasn’t a red dragon even though people were still present. A few seats were quickly becoming vacant, though, the occupants having the minds to leave while they still had the chance. Rosalie raised a brow at this, looking around and watching the well-dressed individuals leave in a fashion almost akin to discreet urgency. It was almost as if they had gotten what they had come for and were now with the mind to take part in the ongoing celebrations in light of it. “Hmm... so... the auction is over then...?” She asked no one in particular, but a man, possibly in his late 30's, standing next to her overheard her question and answered her in a low tone of voice. “No.” He was clearly captured by a sense of awe, and that was seen in his facial expression and his voice as he continued to whisper to her in the same manner that he would when telling a child a story, “the Blood Dragon is still here...” “Really, sir?” He waved at her for silence, gesturing to the speaker on stage as he leaned closer to her, making sure that she was looking in the right direction. “See that one there with the horns over his head and the clawed hands? That’s the Blood Dragon... in his human form.” “Human form?” How she felt like a parrot! Eyes now going to the figure with his clawed hands over the microphone, she cringed, taking a few steps back. [i]What?! Really?![/I] Rosalie shook her head, blinking as if it would clear her mind and allow her to see and hear what was happening before her clearly. Nothing changed; she still saw a tall person with horns jutting from his head. She couldn’t see the colour of his eyes or anything that proved he really was the Blood Dragon from where she was, but she still watched, intrigued. Say if it really was the dragon from three weeks earlier, then perhaps she would find entertainment out of this in some way. Though there were armed guards present around the tanned man, Rosalie did not see the point in them standing there if they weren’t going to do their job. This one standing here, talking with an accent that belonged to a much older time, was obviously dangerous, and yet, he stood there addressing the crowd with a calmness that was almost... mocking in a sense. He knew their tongue, that much was clear, but what was he doing? His speech? As serious as it was for him, or perhaps how great he sounded in his ears, it only served in making Rosalie cover her mouth in a silent fit of laughter. He really had no idea how ridiculous he sounded. In the minutes it took for the number of bids to rise, Rosalie recovered slowly, wiping the tears from her eyes as she fought to keep her laughing under control. It was the whole idea of the clearly non-human taking on the role of the auctioneer that got her. [i]He’s good for something, at least. Maybe they’ll pay him.[/I] Rosalie thought to herself, straightening to take the promised pictures for the two brothers. There was no way this man on stage would spot her in the crowd. Chances of that happening were fairly slim unless he had good eyesight. Besides, she believed she would blend in well with crowd of spectators. A shame, though, she thought to herself whilst frowning, she would have liked to get pictures of the dragon in... well... dragon form. She would then glance around as offers for the Blood Dragon rose. It appeared the auctioneer was looking for a good price and who wouldn’t for a creature so rare? What would happen, though, if he didn’t sell? Would the red lizard be their slave, instead?