Going on four weeks of double shifts with only one day off the entire time. Having to do three other people's jobs on top of my own, still only getting minimum wage, and being treated like shit by bosses and customers both. Getting to the point I'd gladly take the 20-Life for killing every single one of them. And having to unofficially train all the new blood, because none of the managers/other 'vet' crew members will do it(seeing as all of them will be quitting by the end of next month, and I can't blame them). On a more up note, will be starting some driving classes to work on dealing with my lack of depth perception and irrational anxiety/panic attacks behind the wheel. For someone who is hit by a large vehicle at least once every other month while walking, you figure I'd feel better in a large metal box instead of out in the open. I feel more comfortable on my own two feet or a motorcycle than in any car/truck. Oh yeah, and I have a '91 Harley Lowrider now...that needs some work(ok, a lot). In my slim amount of off time, been working on my art(minimal progress), a novel I've been scraping and rewriting for the last seven years(3 more scraps), and getting back into playing my guitar again after a long while of having put it down.