[center] Ju-On "Uuuuhhhh...." Ju-on slithered into the hallway, escaping the vampires who tried to capture her. "Uuuhhhhh...."she mummbled as she flew through the fortress, making sure to mask her presence from the powerful vampires. She was smart enough to understand the dangers of remaining in the Giordano fortress, but her desire to see that beautiful wizard again kept Ju-on from leaving! He had taken th basketball from her hands and even though he threw it away, in her mind him being the first one to hold it meant that they were engaged. She could sense a high concentration of magic on a higher floor and telported to the area. She appeared in front of a door but when Ju-on tried to pass through it, some sort of magical barrier stopped her from entering. "UUHHHH!"she yelled, angry that the wizard locked her out. Ju-on took out her frustration by dribbling her basketball, which had magically appeared in her hands, and let the sound echo throughout the hall. Adrien "O-okay..."he muttered to the guard. Adrien didn't have the guts to resist the vampire. He wasn't stupid, he had seen those movies where dumb people stand up for themselves and they die! He did not want to end up like Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter, meeting his tearful end with only a word. Once again being escorted by vampire guards, Adrien wondered what would happen to him. From what he had seen there was a spirit on the loose...he was a prisoner in a haunted fortress owned by the vampire mafia, that was protected by a wizard. Was he going to have his blood sucked or something?! The guard brought him into the cellar and shoved Adrien inside before he could run away. When Adrien heard the lock click, the young human sighed and sat down on the floor. "I'm doomed." Vencentio Vencentio didn't know what what was going on anymore but he couldn't shake the feeling that the ghost was familiar. As Tori yelled at his men to apprehend her, he wondered what happened to the basketball. They could have lured her out with it or something, but he figured that Protettore would eventually just have the mage use his magic to find her if the guards failed to capture her. He quitely watched as Protettore sent the last guard out of the room with the human boy who had helped him. He was slightly curious as to what his friend would do with him, but Vencentio could ask about him later. Chuckling at the vampire's grin, Vencentio thought about his question for a moment. "Hmmm...depends on where we're going."he answered playfully. "I can walk, but not far! If we're going to your room, which is allllll the way on the top floor, you'd have to carry me Tori." Ryuunosuke "Alright, if I stab Ryo then then maybe I can stun him long enough to rip off his face!"he cheerfully plotted, sharpening a knife in his room. Ryuu had concealed weapons and traps all over his room out of fear his brother would try to kill him in his sleep. He needed to be prepared to attack back if Ryo tried anything. A sincere smile on his face as he held up his freshly sharpened blade in front of him, he layed it beside him and reached over for a can of soda made for vampires unoriginally called Blood Soda. Ryu had recieved a box from his grandparents and it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. It was blood, but it was also soda! A vampire drinking Blood Soda was like human drinking soda and a vampire feeding on fresh human blood was like a human drinking water. It wasn't as healthy, but it could still satisfy your thirst! As soon as he finished his can Ryu tossed it into the trash and went back to sharpening his weapon. A few minutes later the young vampire started hearing running through the hallway. Wondering if something had happened, he grabbed a few weapons and made his way to the door. Looking both ways for any sign of Ryo, he cautiously left his room when he saw that his brother wasn't around. He walked around and found the nearest set of guards. "What happened here?"asked the curious vampire. "Ah, sir, Vencentio has finally made his return."informed the guard. Ryu smiled at that thought and was glad he was back.The guard did not mention the state the don's right hand man had been in so Ryu did not realize Vencentio had been nearly dead when he arrived. "But why is everyone running?"asked Ryu. "The don has ordered us to find a spirit that appeared in his room." At those words, Ryu's malicious grin appeared. "I see..."he said, rubbing his hands together like a villain. If he found that spirit, then surely his father would like him more then Ryo! The young vampire ran towards Valente's room, hoping the wizard could give him some sort of charm to help him find the spirit. The strange thing was that the closer he got to the mage's room, the more he could hear a strange sound. It sounded like a basketball was bouncing and the dribbling just became louder and louder. Even stranger, when he arrived up at the wizard's domain, Ryuunosuke saw another set of guards. Half of them were lying on the ground knocked out while the others were in a defensive stance. "What the hell?"he muttered, reaching for one of his concealed guns. He couldn't see who was attacking, but right in front of his eyes a vampire was knocked down and into a state of unconsciousness...by a basketball? "Uwaa!"screamed the guard when the basketball hit his face, before he fainted. Ryu was a bit shocked to see one of his father's guards go down so quickly, but now that the guard wasn't standing Ryu saw who had attacked him, standing in the distance. A creepy looking woman with crazy hair and a white dress was holding a basketball. "Is that...the spirit?!"he gasped, bringing the gun out in front of him. Hmph...she's creepy but Ryo is still uglier... When the guards noticed Ryu's presence a few of them panicked, what would happen if they failed to protect the don's son? "Sir, leave this spirit to us-" Before the vampire could finish his plead, he was attacked by the spirit with the basketball. [/center]