[center][b]VALENTE[/b] " What the fuck is this?" Valente weeped to himself as he pressed his ear against his door. From behind the charmed entrance, he could hear the pained cries of Protettore's bodyguards as they fell one by one, and the strange "Ugggggh" sound that the creepy spirit had made in the living room. This could only mean that the spirit from before was going on a rampage and was taking her anger out on everyone in the fortress! Where the hell is Boss? He thought to himself, looking around his room for some sort of weapon incase he needed to protect himself. What kind of boss was he if he let everyone in his domain die?! But then he remembered that Vencentio was still wounded somewhat and shook his head. Leave it to Protettore to be completely distracted at a time like this!! Suddenly, a cold chill ran down Valente's spine as he heard the cries of pain coming closer and closer. What if that basketball the spirit had given him was some kind of curse?! What if he was the spirit's target?! The mage bit his nails as he continued to cry to himself, " What the hell does she want from me?! Why is she doing this?! I'M TOO BEAUTIFUL TO DIE LIKE THIS!!" Over the screams of the fallen, Valente heard a familiar voice from the other side of the door. It was Ryuunosuke, one of Protettore's adopted sons! Personally, Valente liked to call him " Uno " and the other one " Ichi " because really, the names Ryuu and Ryo sounded so much alike that it was hard to remember who was who. It was only a coincidence that Uno and Ichi both meant the number one in different languages, but who the hell cares about that right? Valente leaned closer to the door to make sure it was the Boss' son. " Oh no, he's gonna die too!" He told himself. He didn't particularly like either of his son's, but he knew his Boss would be pissed for eternity if one of his sons died. I have to do something! The blonde magician jumped to his feet and wiped his tears away, swallowing his fear of the creepy spirit. Throwing open the door, Valente yelled out, " STOP!" in hopes of pausing whatever murderous action the spirit was probably engaging in and lifted his finger. Since I'm way too lazy to write this in detail, Valente has similar magic to Fai from Tsubasa, so he writes out attack spells using his finger and yeah. So he did that and managed to trap ju-on, and her evil basketball, in a protective bubble where she couldn't hurt anyone else. He couldn't just make her disappear and it was almost impossible to kill a spirit, so he did the next best thing. He used a curse. Targeting one of the humans in the cellars down below, Valente whispered a curse, forever chaining one of the humans from below to the spirit. Once the curse was complete, the spirit could not leave that person's side until that said person died. It wasn't the best plan Valente had, but it was a temporary solution to this problem. Opening his eyes and finishing off the curse, Valente watched as the spirit vanished, dropping her basketball on the ground. Writing out another tiny spell, a box appeared around the orange plastic ball and Valente quickly sealed it with his left over magic. " There we go! No nightmares tonight!" He congratulated himself and gave himself a mental high five. Going over and grabbing the box, Valente handed it to Uno, " Here, give this to your father and tell him to keep it safe!" [b]RYOICHI[/b] It just so happened that Ryo arrived on the scene at the worst possible time. " MAMA, MAMA?! YOU'RE SAFE?!" Ryoichi cried as he kicked open the front door, completely drenched from head to toe from the rain outside. He was poorly dressed, considering the terrible weather, only wearing a pair of shorts and a black muscle shirt, but it didn't look like it affected him much. His wet hair was covering his eyes and like Protettore, he flicked them out of the way as he approached the sofa. " Are you hurt Mama? Did those bastards hurt you? Can you walk? Do you need me to take you to your ro-" [b]PROTETTORE[/b] Tori's eyes narrowed as his cockblocking son barged into the room, totally killing whatever kind of mood he had been trying to set. It was times like these that made Protettore wish he never had kids, and believe me, this wasn't the first time he had thoughts like this. After allowing Ryo to fawn over Vencentio for some time, he pushed Ryo's shoulder harshly, breaking him out of his rant. " Take Vencentio back to his room." There was no use in trying to get the moment back, so he might as well make Ryo do the work for him. Ryo's eyes lit up as his father talked to him, nodding his head ecstatically, " Sure thing Papa!" He whirled around and got into a crouching position in front of the sofa, " I'll give you a piggyback ride Mama!" It was only when he watched Vencentio disappear up the stairs on Ryo's back did Protettore remember that he had more pressing matters at hand. Somewhere in the castle, there was a creepy spirit who didn't know how to take care of her hair running around the fortess and the human that had appeared with Vencentio. He had given the guards the responsibility to track down the spirit, but considering how useless they could be, he had his doubts that they actually managed to do it. Pulling out his leather gloves from his suit pocket, he slipped them on and straightened out his suit so he looked more presentable, and more threatening, and made his way towards the cellar doors. Vencentio was safe for now, but Protettore wanted to know what the unnamed human knew about how Vencentio got his wounds and why he was with him at the front doors. [b]RYOICHI[/b] Coincidentally, to get to Vencentio's room, one would have to pass by Valente's room as well, meaning they would get a firsthand view of the aftermath of the great " Ju-On" battle. And also Valente handing the basketball over to Ryuu. Once again, Ryo arrived on the scene at the worst possible time. He had been chatting to his Mama about his adventures in the mountains, fighting bears and climbing trees, all in attempts to become stronger, when his eyes caught sight of Ryuunosuke. In an instant, anger flashed through Ryo's eyes and determination to show off his new strength flowed through his veins. " TAKE THIS MOTHERFUCKER!" Ryo yelled, jumping into the air and kicking Ryuunosuke right in the back, knocking him to the ground, all the while keeping a good grip on his Mama so he didn't fall. " Always keep your eyes open loser! You'll never know when the awesome me will attack!" Ryo laughed as he placed a foot on Ryuunosuke's shoulder, keeping him to the ground. [b]VALENTE[/b] " NOOOOO!" Right before Uno could take hold of the basketball, Ichi had kicked him out of nowhere, making Uno loose balance and the basketball fall right through his grasp. Valente tried to catch it before it hit the ground, but the basketball fell too fast and disappeared into the floor. " NOOOO!!!" He cried again as he fell to his knees, not caring about what was happening with Uno and Ichi. He had placed another charm on the basketball before handing it to Uno to make the basketball become invisible once Protettore put it somewhere safe, just to make sure no one would ever find it again. But since the basketball never reached Protettore, it was now lost in the castle somewhere, invisible and just waiting for someone to find it, God forbid it be the spirit. Valente curled into a ball and began to silently cry to himself, knowing full well that Protettore would make him personally search for it. [/center]