[hider=I am sorry]Naiyo couldn’t move out of her way to defend her lord when Iris soared with Dain over her head, as leaving her position would mean exposing Ayuna to even more danger up front. It was with a bitter expression that the guard let them past. Ayuna noticed the ball of darkness descend on her but couldn’t in time avoid the burst go straight through her near-nonexistent magical defenses and she shouted out in pain. Naiyo was sure that Ayuna was still safe because she was blocking the way, however she saw Destero’s smile and panicked for a bit, desperately trying to block the javelin with her axe but missed. [b]“Lady Ayuna…!”[/b] Was all Naiyo had time to shout out. The wounded lord was panting, loaded crossbow in hand, trying to overcome the pain but only barely noticed the javelin coming flying to the horror of the rest of the team. However, in the last second, the purple-haired lord saw the throwing lance approaching with terrified wide eyes, bending herself backwards. It was by a mere inch that the javelin missed her, gracing right by in front of her stomach. Ayuna fell down on her back, rather wounded. But, she was still alive enough to direct her crossbow at the enemy lord past Naiyo’s right side and let the bolt loose with a frightened expression. Seeing the result of the last exchange, Naiyo looked back at Destero with a raised eye-brow. [b]“… Strike you down? It would appear you will need some training before you’re capable enough for me to need to do so. Better luck next time.”[/b] Noting that Ryouko was heading over to heal Ayuna, the cleric by some reason completely unfazed with danger or the wounds of other team-members, Naiyo shrugged and took a few steps forward towards Anne. [b]“I’m sorry, I am going to knock you out for a bit.”[/b] All that needed to be said. After having been healed by Ryouko, Ayuna stumbled up on her legs, preparing her iron bow as the crossbow lay boltless to the side and enemies stood way too close by for reloading one of those, facing towards the Pegasus and the wizard in front, daring him to do anything to stop defending her at this moment. *I’m entirely fine if you want to drop the flavor and just do the commands due to how this has gone.*[/hider] Ryouko Move (+1, +1), Cast Heal on Ayuna (0, +1) Ayuna Equip Iron Bow, Wait. Naiyo Move (-1, 0), Engage Anne (0, +1) Takaho Move (0, +1), Engage Anne (-1, +1)