Kristoff grabbed Anna and put her over his shoulder. "Bad idea," He said as he carried her away from the tunnel. "Let go of me!" Anna cried, trying to punch her way free. Pitch rolled his eyes. [i] I'll never understand teenagers [/i] In one fast motion, Pitch raised up his arms and flung them down toward the floor. A wave of blackness released from his body, pushing away every black creature that was attacking them. As the creatures ran away, the tunnel finally collapsed on itself, entrapping Jack and all of the monsters deep within the cavern. XXX Saturday morning, some of the kids had to go to the infirmary. Although most were fine and left the cave in scratched, some of the students were bruised by a rock or cut by a shadow. Pitch looked at one of their blood samples from underneath a microscope. "Hmmm..." The blood sample Pitch looked at had black spots forming in it, growing slowly under magnifying glass. "This... Is not good..." He hoped the other students won't be visiting the infirmary soon, he hates being disturbed while working. It was still morning, Pitch doubted any student would bother waking up this early to visit anyone in the medical bay.