"Anna, you might want to sit down for this." Anna was out of bed in a fighting stance pumping herself up for another expedition. "We finally found my sister, now all we gotta do is go back there, work your goth magic, and kick some shadow butt." She threw a punch in the air. Pitch rubbed his eyebrows, [i]goth magic?[/i]. Pitch decided to be blunt. "You're not going back to the cave," he said. Anna stopped what she was doing and tilted her head, "wut?" Pitch took out a sample of the blood he was looking at, it had now become completely black. "Whatever it was that we saw in the cave, it seems to have infected you with a black curse." Anna lifted an eyebrow, "but you can fix it right? Aren't you the king of black magic?" Pitch shook his head, "I'm the master of shadows, not the master of curses. All I know is that if you strain your body too much, you'll be completely consumed by this curse. You'll end up looking like Elsa did back there." Anna leaned closer to Pitch, "but we can still save Elsa right?" Anna's voice lowered itself, "she can still be cured right?" Before Pitch could answer, his phone rang. "Hold on, this is important." Pitch left the clinic, leaving Anna by herself.