I'd love to join, if you'll have me! I've also only read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, so please forgive me if some of my lore is incorrect! Also, I hope you don't mind that I've shortened your sheet a bit - I felt a general appearance bit would suffice. Let me know if you'd like me to alter it. [b]Name:[/b] Reagan Anderson [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Sixteen [b]Height:[/b] 6'0 [b]Weight:[/b] 140 [b]Appearance:[/b] The girl stands at 6'0, towering above the majority of the campers, and much of the staff as well. However, she weighs in at only 140 pounds. Though she is tall, she is incredibly lanky. She spent little time doing sports or physical activities, as she preferred tasks that challenged her mind rather than her body. She is in no way "fashion-savvy," and her wardrobe normally consists of fitted blue-jeans and hooded sweatshirts. She has long, straight blonde hair and gray eyes, a trademark of Athena children. [hider=Picture][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__2eJIHIF-6Q/S9pVkoJ7NpI/AAAAAAAAAtY/JA-yT8c3Zpk/S660/Alysha.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Not only did Reagan inherit her father's love for knowledge, but also his wit. She will be the first to make a sarcastic comment in an awkward situation. Many times, her humor is appreciated. But sometimes, she will take a joke too far, upsetting a person without really intending to do so. As intelligent as the girl may be, she suffers from raging jealousy. She often tries to make herself feel better by taking on a "holier-than-thou" attitude, as many teenagers have a tendency to do. She is also incredibly competitive. Though she may be rude sometimes, she is fiercely loyal to the few close friends she can count on. Like her godly mother, she would much rather try to settle an argument through discussion than violence. However, as her mother is the goddess of war and strategy, she will fight, or even kill when she deems it necessary. Though she would never admit it, she will always seek to avenge her father's death. [b]History:[/b] Reagan's father, Mark Anderson, was a lawyer from Michigan. His balance of small-town charm and big-city aspirations attracted Athena to the bachelor. Reagan and her father had always had a special bond. He taught her all about mythology from a young age, and always told her that her mother was someone special. However, he was unable to reveal her mother's identity before the monsters found him. Reagan returned from school to find the front door open wide, and the front window shattered from the inside out. When she entered, she found her father dead on the kitchen floor. In shock, she pulled out her cell phone to call the police. It was then that she noticed the voicemail from her father. "It is time for you to discover who you are, and who your mother is. Go to Half-Blood Hill located at 3.141 Farm Road, in Long Island, New York. There, you will find Camp Half-Blood, and people who will help you. Speak to no one. Be safe. I love you." She fled. Over the next two weeks, Reagan tried to lay low. After placing an anonymous tip to the police about her father from a pay phone on Ohio, she jumped from bus to bus, slowly moving toward New York. She would not release her final destination to anyone, as her father made it clear that she must keep in a secret. At a bus stop in Pennsylvania, Reagan saw an old woman asking a bus driver if he had seen a young girl named Reagan, with blonde hair and grey eyes. As the woman, who Reagan had no way of knowing was a Fury, went on to describe the girl, Reagan took to the forest, and traveled on foot. She feared that her father's killer was after her. Once she took to the buses again, it was only a matter days before she reached her destination. [b]Godly parent:[/b] Athena