Anna glanced around the room, more importantly though, she glanced over Amelia's shoulder to see if Pitch was outside. Fortunately, he wasn't. Anna smiled at Nessa. "You don't actually believe that do you?" Anna walked over to the window and opened it. Since they were on floor level, Anna easily stepped outside. "My sister is just sick and needs someone to bring her here." Anna extends her hand for Nessa to grab, "I'm sure if I talk to her, she'll come back here to get that curse lifted. Wanna help me find her? My name's Anna, by the way." XXX A hologram projection floated out of Pitche's phone. The hologram was an image of a husky, white bearded Russian man, wearing red overalls. "Where's Jack?" The old man said glaring at Pitch. Pitch rolled his eyes, "apparently he'll put his own safety ahead of his own common sense." Nicolas crossed his arms, "I highly doubt that is what happened. Jack told me that you two were heading to ze caves, he told me to check on him in ze morning. I called him, but he won't answer. Where could he possibly be?" Pitch shrugged, "with his track record, he's probably fornicating with his ex girlfriend." Nicolas growled at Pitch. "Answer my question. What. Happened?" Pitch sighed, he looked around the hallways to check for any students. "It's something I'd rather the school staff not know about. If you really want to know, call me back within a few hours." Before Nicolas could answer, Pitch hung up his phone.