(( Clint is a gentleman, but he's still a little rough around the edges, and in a rather odd spot emotionally after a weird few days and the story he just told. So rather than just writing it straight, I'm going to use this to develop him a little. I've hinted at an attraction to Beth before, so there's a couple of ways for him to have reacted, and I'm going to have him go with more than one of them, because real people tend to be confused a lot.)) It had been an unusual day. Yes, he had been a monster hunter for a long time now, but demons were new to him. Hell, any of his monster work was really just a part time endeavor. Mainly he called himself a bounty hunter. Track down bandits, bring them in alive or dead - but he tended to be better at dead - for their rewards. Or while he was in and around a town, he'd take up a job or two doing dirty work for people who wasn't good at the rough stuff themselves, but still needed something violent or aggressive done. But the majority of those jobs involved human beings. Because people had to eat. And while the monster hunting was something of a calling, it didn't tend to pay the bills. So then he hadn't really had much left, and telling that story had taken that litttle out of him. As his voice trailed off, he wasn't himself anymore. Or maybe he was his truest self. Either way, that man left sittigng there wasn't the same person who'd gone up the stairs a few moments ago. The bravdo was gone, the tough guy was gone, the giant was gone. All that was left was the person he himself saw in the mirror at night. This wasn't something he liked for others to see of himself. He wasn't invincible, unshakeable, after all. And he really liked to keep that a secret. And then she kissed him. It wasn't anything romantic, simply a kiss on the cheek. Quick, chaste, and affectionate but not romantic. She followed that with a kind smile. A very genuine gesture. It had caught him off guard. An unexpected gesture, but not an unwelcome one. A blush tinted his cheeks as his other thoughts came to a halt abruptly. He was surprised, but pleasantly so, as was evident from the slight smile on his face. His emotions changed direction as he stood up quickly, standing over her as she also stood from where she had stooped to his seated height. Without really thinking about what he was doing, he put a hand under her chin, tilting her head back a little bit to look at him, as he bent down and kissed her. Not on the cheek. A real kiss. It was brief, but there was a certain urgency to it. For just a moment, and then he pulled himself away, taking a step backward. "No. Uh... I'm sorry. I.... have to go. Dammit... Sorry..... I...." He backed out the door, conflict obvious on his face, as he left with such haste that he forgot to take any of the things she had written down for him, or the rock-salt shells he was going to inspect. He shut the door behind himself, and through the wood she would be able to hear him swear at himself. Spinning, he punched at the wall opposite her room. The next morning, if she was observant, there would be a hand sized hole, about chest height, through the thin boards.