Name: Michael Crowsoft Gender: Male Age: 16 Height: 5'10" Weight: 175 lbs Appearance: Handsome, but not overly so, with a nice full body tan. Soft Golden hair, slicked back and about an inch off the shoulders, with a widow's peak. Pale blue eyes, pale almost to the point of not having color at all. No scars, and only one tattoo, which is of a black compass arrow on his left inner wrist pointing towards the hand, and in the center of it is a golden sun. Torso: Slightly above average in size, due to the upper body strength necessary to consistently draw and fire a bow. Very little body fat, with a slightly defined six-pack. Arms: Very well defined biceps and triceps, also due to consistently drawing and firing a bow. Legs: Not too well defined, but there are obvious muscles. You don't need very many leg muscles for archery. Personality: Not shy at all. Has no problems walking around half-naked, showering in the gym locker room, or things like that. Very open minded and open mouthed, liking to speak his mind, though he does have tact. Quite intelligent, and very much of a people-person. He can be cocky at times, but that's not an overbearing trait. He has a slight case of claustrophobia, due to his history. He likes long walks anywhere, and with anyone who's good company. He doesn't smoke or do drugs, and thinks alcohol is a weakness. History: Michael was born to a well-to-do single mother named Grace. Grace managed a branch of World Bank in New York City. This afforded Michael with anything that he really wanted, within reason. No, he couldn't go out and buy a jet, but he could get a private screening of a movie if he really wanted to. With wealth comes privilege, and with privilege can come education. Grace put her child in the Ross School, which is a private school in East Hampton, NY. Early in his schooling, Michael picked up archery, which is offered at the Ross School. He took to archery like a fish to water. He, of course, had no clue as to who his father actually Anyways, Michael, from the ages of 10-13, took All-State championships in Archery for his age categories. With his Private School education opportunities, he didn't lack in his thirst for knowledge, either, easily making strait A's. At this point in his life, you could say that he was a 'Smart Jock'. When he was 13, about a month after making All-State for his 4th year, he was with his mother going on a camping trip just outside of New York when they were rounding a bend in their Baby-Blue Prius, and WHAM, got hit by a drunk-driver in a Hummer. The drunk-driver didn't stop, didn't notice, or something, but he just kept going. Grace was pretty badly hurt, having a crushed pelvis and her legs pinned underneath the steering wheel. Michael was banged up, but nothing permanent, BUT, he was stuck, pinned in the passenger seat under the glove compartment. The car had rolled down the hill and lay on it's roof, all the doors crushed to the point of not being able to open and the roof caved in, pinning both occupants where they were. For what seemed like an eternity to Michael was only a few hours as his mother lay unconscious from her injuries. He screamed and screamed for help, but nobody heard him. After those few hours, his mother woke up, coughing up blood. She knew she was dying, and so did Michael, but he didn't want to admit it. So, in her last few moments of clarity, she told him about his father. She told him that she had met him in the hospital when she went in for an appendectomy. He had called her after the surgery to see how she was doing and they just hit it off. They dated a few times, she fell in love, and then he was just gone. Nobody from the hospital knew who she was talking about, and didn't have any records of her surgery. It was as if those few weeks never existed. When Michael was born, and she got home with him, there was a FedEx package with some stamped wings on the side and addressed to Michael. There was a letter on top addressed to her, and it gave her instructions to put the unopened box in a safety deposit box and leave it for her son for when he's old enough. Throughout the story, Michael kept sobbing, but listened, because he knew these were the last moments of his mother's life. He even recorded her voice as a ringtone on his phone. Eventually and peacefully, Grace passed from this life onto the next. After what seemed like years, and actually being another 18 hours, Michael heard a couple twigs break. He started screaming again, and finally help came in the form of a hunter. The hunter got the emergency personnel and Michael finally got to the hospital. There, he stayed for a couple of days due to exposure. Traumatized as he was in the cramped space underneath the dashboard for 23 hours, Michael developed a fear of enclosed spaces. A man named Lester, claiming to be Grace's brother, came to get him out of the hospital. Michael knew nothing of an uncle. Lester convinced him that he was family, and that he needed to arrange getting Michael to his cabin in the woods. Lester got him packed, got to the bank to get the box, and then left for the countryside. Eventually, in seemingly the middle of nowhere, they started trekking into the woods. Lester then passed into Camp Half-Blood, taking Michael with him. Before Michael could run away, Lester explained that he was one of the guardians and that he was instructed to bring him here. Michael finally opened his eyes and saw the truth before him. He saw a chance to start over. Inside the box was a modern day compound bow, similar in looks to the one in Blade 3, very high tech. It has been enchanted to not be visible to sight nor to technology when it's strung over his shoulder. Whenever he draws the bow back, a golden arrow appears, and the arrows disappear after an hour. Over the last three years, Michael has resided in Apollo's cabin. He has taken up duties in the hospital there, learning how to set bones, repair dislocated limbs, and such. Last year, he developed a talent for healing others of their ailments. Through concentration and a touch along the wound, he has learned how to heal others. He has yet to learn how to heal himself, though. Being the son of the God of Education, he has also educated himself on a few languages from the books lying around the Camp. Other than English, he can both Speak and Read Greek, Ancient Greek, and Latin. A few months ago, he has turned 16. Let's see where the rest of his life will take him. Godly Parent: Apollo, God of Music, Prophecy, Education, Healing & Disease Signature Weapon: Mechanical Compound Bow, similar to the one in Blade 3