[b] Floyd - Catacomb's Washroom - Katie[/b] Her comments caused Floyd to reveal a faint smile, one he hadn't shown anyone in a while. The little girl's actions seemed so fake, like if she were in a dramatic play or something. When her hand came upon her forehead, Floyd turned his head to hide the unbelievable joy on his face. The little things were the ones that made the most for Floyd. Even before the outbreak, the redneck didn't smile much unless the radio people made jokes. He didn't interact much with others, nor had any bonds with anyone, not even with God. He was basically the lone wolf that roamed the country side merely to stay alive. Though he had a home, a bed, and food, he still had those survival instincts, the ones now have merely upgraded. Anyhow, as the girl started to bluntly comment on his stench and appearance, Floyd couldn't help but to respond. "Little girl, ya don't nuthin bout [i]stinky[/i]" he commented as she started to pull him along. He was referring to the odor of many walkers. Their decayed bodies reeked even worse that Floyd at the moment, especially when there was a hoard of them. Some people watch out for walkers, Floyd sniffs them out before they appear. As they arrived at the communities washroom, Floyd watched the little girl attend to him. She seemed to be very motherly, probably acting as though Floyd was one of her dolls or something. Suddenly she pulled his shirt and made him bend down to her height. She started applying the wet towel all over his face and neck, removing the dried up blood. "I ain'tcha boy-toy girl" he commented as she continued to wash him down. She then started to rant about randomness, but one thing definitely caught Floyd's ear. "Wait! What'd ya just say?" he asked her, reassuring that what he heard was correct. "What's this bout a girl? What girl? Was she pregnant? Can ya take me to her?!" he asked in a loud whisper. His neutral voice was like that though, in addition to raspy. He had completely ignored every question she had asked him, it wasn't much important to him right now. "C'mon kid, take me to the girl" he instructed, fixing his shirt as he straightened up. He feared the worst at this point, knowing what 'Tyler' was doing to these women. He remembered what the blonde woman at the train tracks had told him about these raiders. Floyd got himself into something he could have avoided in the first place. If he would of just walked away from that skeleton man everything would have been the same, or at least, somewhat the same.