Seraphina had danced the first with her father; both moving with perfect grace as both being nobly born had been taught to dance since they could walk. Together they flowed seamlessly through the complicated steps of the dance, the feathers of her gown swaying in time to her step. As the music swelled to its crescendo they finished with a flourish with Baron De'Vance lifting her by the waist in an elegant arc and for that moment she did indeed look like a bird in flight, layers of silk rustling around her as her wings moved in a most convincing way. Then she landed lightly back on silk slippers and the on lookers applauded in admiration, together both Lord and Queen politely accepted the attention and bowed elegantly. As the other dancers once again came to claim the floor Baron De'Vance found himself confronted by a handsome young buck, crowned in magnificent antlers. He bowed respectfully as he humbly requested the Swan Queen’s next dance. The lord accepted his request with an ill grace and shot the man a look that promised nothing but harm if he did not treat her with due respect, to his credit the young buck accepted this look stoically but quickly became absorbed in the Swan Queen before him. Seraphina had to give a small smile at this exchange, it was always the same, however was quickly interested in the man himself, he was handsome and must have some nerve to take the Swan away from the Eagle. She extended him her hand in acceptance of his offer and as her father took a step backward to scowl at him from the sideline before moving back to his place on his throne like seat, all the while continuing to scowl. Together they made a pretty pair their dance a combination of earth and sky whereas with her father it had been an aerial battle. Seraphina twirled and spun with him, her heart as light as her feet as they moved through the dance. It was just as they were finishing and making their bows and curtseys to one another that the unnatural hush fell upon the room, the musicians coming up short with a horrible squeal of abused instruments. All eyes were on the pair that had caused the commotion and moving forward with a cold purpose Seraphina made her way forward out from the crowd so she stood alone before the couple as they made their way towards her father. Seraphina stood frozen like a shard of black ice as her eyes widened beneath her swan mask however her face betrayed no other outwards signs of shock. All she could do was stare at the dress, the dress that was a pale imitation of her own, but no it wasn’t an imitation it was a mirror image of her own except the mask which held the pointed beak of the sparrow rather than the rounded bill of the swan. Now to someone who didn’t know her well they would imagine that the horror and anger that coursed through her was nothing but the petty anger of a slighted girl who was no longer the centre of attention. While it would be untrue to say there was not a small part of her that did not feel this way, she was used to being the centre of attention at court, she was the prettiest lady at court, the highest ranking and normally the most accomplished but it was not for this reason she was appalled. There were deeper and darker implications for a copied dress design that simply being upstaged at a ball. That dress had been of her own design and creation, its conception had been a secret and only a few of her most trusted seamstresses had been allowed in on the project. So how did this girl wear its twin, not just a similar dress, that could have been understood but this was the same in every detail save the colour and mask. If this secret had been breached it begged the question what else had been discovered. Seraphina moved as softly as a shadow to stand next to her father’s chair upon the dais, the extra height was appreciated as she stared intently that the couple who came before them. For the first time she scrutinised the gentleman beside the sparrow, styled as the Devil. Seraphina’s clever eyes took in the fabric and cut of his outfit, it was as fine as hers and just as intricate. Her lilac eyes caught his through his mask and she saw them crinkle in what she imagined to be a most wicked grin and she had a faint suspicion she knew who was beneath the mask. The Baron greeted them as he had every guest to the ball and within seconds of them bowing and rejoining the crowd the music started up once again and the room began to hum with chatter but it was with a certain urgency that follows a crowd being surprised. Lord De'Vance continued to watch the pair with his sharp eyes until Seraphina took a step forward and laid a lace covered hand upon his arm. Bowing her swan head to him she spoke in a soft undertone, taking great care not to be overheard, her eyes urgent. “My Lord, there is a matter of security I wish to discuss with you and I beg that you will not dismiss my thoughts. The maidens dress is the exact twin of my own, not just in design but fabrics as well. My designs are always kept a most private secret, kept under lock and key and only a few of my most trusted seamstresses help with its creation. The implication that someone could have got hold of private information alarms me, it implies that we are not as secure as I would have believed.” Seraphina looked intently at her father; she knew he took her opinions seriously and would not just laugh outright and dismiss her fears out of hand.