Oh well, I'm a little uninspired now so I'm sharing with you a few Mithril vehicles. [IMG]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090219070447/fullmetalpanic/images/6/6c/M6.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name:[/B] M6A3E5 Dark Bushmaster | M6A3E5LA Dark Bushmaster LASER ASSAULT ver. [B]Manufacturer:[/B] GeoTron Electronics (with Tech assistance from Anaheim) [B]Type:[/B] 2.5rd Generation Arm-Slave (Real Robo) [B]Height:[/B] 7.9 meters (head height) [B]Weight:[/B] 92.5 tons [B]Armor Component:[/B] Composite (involving Luna Titanium) [B]Powerplant:[/B] Ross & Humbleton APR 1500C Palladium Reactor (APR 2550K for the Laser Assault ver. [B]Maximum Operation Time:[/B] 300 Hours [B]Stats:[/B] [LIST] [*][B]Strength:[/B] 25[/*] [*][B]Armor:[/B] 40[/*] [*][B]Firepower: [/B]40 (50 for the Laser Assault ver.)[/*] [*][B]Performance:[/B] 20[/*] [*][B]Mobility:[/B] 20[/*] [*][B]Energy Output: [/B]30 (50 for the Laser Assault ver.)[/*] [*][B]Sensors:[/B] 35[/*] [/LIST] [B]Description:[/B] [hider=Picture][IMG]http://img.booru.org/daitrombe//images/6/144b26db31d6aec4672c608d00284cb96112027a.jpg[/IMG][/hider] The Dark Bushmaster is a special variation of the upgraded M6A3 Dark Bushnell and the support-type M6A2E2 Bushmaster, converting most of Mithril's leftover 2nd Generation Arm Slaves to a new unit. Unlike the famous M9 Gernsback the Dark Bushmaster is much heavier, utilized when firepower is more important than speed. The mecha has improved composite armor which contains at least 20% Luna Titanium and has its Diesel Engine replaced by a Palladium Reactor. This combined with many other upgrades makes the Dark Bushmaster a formidable even if a bit slow machine. On the other hand it's armed to teeth, carrying missile pods, shoulder-mounted cannons and various heavy equipment. This makes them ideal for the close fire support role. Just last year an alternative further upgraded variation called "M6A3E5LA Dark Bushmaster LASER ASSAULT Ver." was developed, supplying heavy beam-based firepower. [B]Weapons:[/B] The Dark Bushmaster can use the same handheld weapons as the M9s. Albeit rifles and such are tend to be double wielded in order to give it additional firepower. [U] Shoulder Pods[/U] The Dark Bushmaster's shoulder plates can hold 6 pods, 3 on each side for medium-strength assaults. These were generally missiles but there's also one beam variation. - [I]LAU-77K/A Hydra-II[/I]: 17-tube 70mm advanced rocket launcher with programmable warheads. Used generally in swarms for bombardment. - [I]VGM-C4(M) Missile Pod[/I]: 4-tube smart missile launcher fit for multiple roles at once. - [I]S-900 Striker[/I]: Micro cruise missile with unusual killing power and precision. Mounted in pairs on each hard point and effective against armored targets. - [I]ILDA-W112D LASER STRIKER[/I]: Pods made from reverse-engineering the beam guns found within Funnels. For economical reasons the beam technology was replaced with lasers. Each pod is a quad-linked system of emitters which fire in rapid alteration and possess a limited tracking and traverse capability. Due to its additional energy requirements these could be only mounted on the Laser Assault version. [U]Shoulder Weapons[/U] The Dark Bushmaster can also carry shoulder mounted weapons. These are distinctively heavy caliber, too large and powerful for a regular AS to wield. For this reason the Dark Bushmater has special stabilizers in order to anchor the machine, which is required for nearly all of them in this list. - [I]M179A4E3 155mm HVAP Howitzer[/I]: Surprisingly high caliber physical cannon using advanced fuel and multi-stage projectile. Fed by an autoloader from switchable magazine this - [I]M122A7 Mortars[/I]: Pair of quick-firing 120mm automatic mortars used for bombardment. - [I]MM40C Block 7 Heavy Missile Launcher[/I]: Pair of 4-tube 350mm missile launchers with impressive range and versatility. - [I]BLASH-SBC-M-84-SMD Short Beam Cannon[/I]: New technology developed by Anaheim Electronics specifically for Mithril's demands. It's a scaled down beam cannon, giving the Arm Slave a considerable portion of the firepower of a battleship. Power comes at great demand of energy thus it could be only mounted on the Dark Bushmaster Laser Assault ver. [B]Special Features:[/B] - [I]ECS[/I]: Like all of Mithril's machines, the Dark Bushmaster is also equipped with ECS, making it hard to detect and can even turn the mecha invisible to the eye. - [I]Fairy Eye[/I]: As a standard equipment for Mithril mechs, the Dark Bushmaster has the Fairy Eye which allows it to locate supernatural phenomena. Albeit because it's a 2nd Generation mech it cannot support the latest version put on the M9s. So it's comparatively sub-par. - [I]Data-link[/I]: Like all Mithril vehicles the Dark Bushmaster can share its data and sensory information with its mates, thus even though it has inferior systems it can perform well in the long range support role. Although this function can be jammed with heavy Minovsky Particle concentration or other conditions.