Name: Kassandra Keigwan Gender: Female Age: 18 Race: Mer Rank: Student Year 1 Personality: Soft hearted and sweet, but with strong beliefs and moral center. BRIEF History: Kassandra is a mer with rare magic, a sort that the race as a whole tried to weed out over the centuries. She is hated and feared by most of her kind because of what she's capable of. After spending years suffering the ire of her aunt, she left home as soon as she was able. Description: Heavyset, dark skin, white hair, orange eyes. Has an orange tailfin in her mer form. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Weapon of choice: None yet. Abilities/Powers: Illusion magic, future visions (intermittent), mind control Other: Kassy can hold her two-legged form for up to 8 hours when properly hydrated. If she does get dehydrated, she will slowly revert back to her usual form. She also has to sleep in water. More info on her magic: Okay, so Kassy's future visions come when they want, pretty much at anytime. She's only safe from them when she's asleep. What she receives is sort of a distorted clip show. Images, sounds, sensations... They don't always make sense. Usually, the more accurate that version of the future is, the more times the vision will repeat itself. Its clarity increases as it gets closer and closer to being reality. Unfortunately, this means that Kassy can rarely stop what she sees may happen, because sometimes she simply doesn't understand what she sees until it's too late to circumvent. I'd stick to her seeing small, distant events for the beginning, of course, and if there was anything major you wanted to allude to, I'd be happy to use Kassy as a sort of hinter/early warning system. Okay, her mind control. Basically, she can do anything from a very gentle suggestion, to a full on mental brainwash. She basically speaks into people's minds. How well her commands are obeyed depends on who she's commanding. The weak-minded or less practiced will be easily led, those with naturally tough or stubborn minds, or with decent mental barrier training, will be harder to control. The thing of it is, Kassy will never use this power, unless it's a literal life or death situation. If someone was coming at her with a harpoon, she'd have to stop, think, and deliberately choose to stop them from inside their head. It isn't reflexive, so she really can't do it by accident. She's worked very hard to keep this part of her ability very, very well guarded, because it basically made her whole city hate and shun her for what she was capable of. (Whether she used it or not.)