Xia barely sat down longer than five seconds before someone came up to her asking for her service. [i]"That was fast."[/i] She thought. Looking at her client, she didn't think much of this Soa. Not as rough and tumble as most out in the wasteland, but Xia didn't expect her to be. She looked young though, a kid even. But Xia couldn't tell with these people in this world; she once met an eight-hundred year old vampire who was in the form of a small child. [b]"I do a lot of things. What I need to know first is what I'll be doing and how much you're willing to pay for it."[/b] Xia still didn't expect the kid to have any money on her though, and she wasn't THAT kind of person either, so she doubt the little girl could afford her services. But it wouldn't hurt to ask.