Then may I ask for a position~? [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Name: Iria ("rainbow') Hester ("star") Gender: female Age: 18 Height: 5’5” Weight: 140lb Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] She has dark brown hair and large eyes that always seem to change color. Iria isn’t very muscular and seems to be more soft and curvy, than like most, lean and athletic children of the Gods. She enjoys pastel colored clothing and flower prints and jewelry about stars. Personality: Named Iria, or “rainbow”, for her mother, and given the last name of Hester, or “star” she is someone who always seems to be smiling or laughing about something. She is rather cheerful, even though most people think she shouldn’t be. In fact she seems to not be very good at being a heroic type. She isn’t demi-god strong or fast. And she certainly isn’t very good at fighting, but when it comes to healing and helping others she is rather talented. Iria often helps younger kids deal with bullies in rather creative ways and she is the one to go to if you need to sweet talk a Harpy or get into the Underworld. Even though she didn’t inherit her mother’s talent for shapeshifting, she does seem to have an unpredictable talent over rainbow light. From glowing in a soft multitude of colors to playing with tiny rainbows and even manipulating already made rainbows, it seems to be the only real power she has as a Demi-God. Well besides her unusual knack for knowing how to create cures from plants off the top of her head. Being bad at being a Demi-God should sort of put anyone in an odd spot, but Iria doesn’t mind. It merely means she can only get better, in her opinion at least. History: As a half-blood, Iria’s case is a bit unusual. In fact she was only recently taken to Camp Half-Blood. Iria was able to live more normally than most half-blood due to the fact her father had her meditate to suppress her, er... ‘rainbow glow’. Being under too much stress often made Iria glow just a bit. Fortunately it was only when she had nightmare that it got out of control. Until recently though. Once she turned eighteen her abnormality started getting a bit unpredictable. Sometimes when she got excited she make rainbows swirl around the ceiling. And sometimes when she got mad she’d glow as bright a star at night. Unable to cope with the sudden changes, Iria was sent to Camp Half-Blood, guided by two of her aunts, with permission from Hades. And by aunts...well...everyone seemed a bit surprised to see a pair of Harpies dropping of a cheerful young adult at the gate. And even though Iria isn’t very good at being a Demi-God (often times monsters don’t even realize she is one, which can be a tiny bit insulting) her godly family seems to enjoy having her around. The younger, yet stronger, Demi-Gods seem to naturally enjoy her being around too. Godly parent: Iris, Goddess of Rainbow, shapeshifter serving goddess She was one of the few Olympians who was able to travel to the underworld. The cruel and fearsome Harpies were her sisters. Signature Weapon: Two razor sharp fans engraved with iris flowers