Name: Saren Blades Age: 18 Appearance: [img=] Personality: Is calm, and relaxed about things on the surface. Though is deeply troubled at the center having much anger inside stemming from his jealousy of others. For they have what he never knew, and that's the feeling of having some sort of a parent child bond. Saren often doesn't think before acting, especially when it comes to protecting someone. History: Saren grew up alone for the most part his mother died giving birth to him, and his father was never around. The only presence Saren ever felt that he even had a father was when it came down to paying bills, and his school tuition. At the age of 14 he met his cousin Jason for the first time. Though he didn't really get to interact with him all that often, due to the fact that they lived so far apart. Though now Saren makes it a point to visit Jason taking him places on his motorcycle. When he felt the gem calling out to hi, Saren was visiting the museum in a tour group of his own, as he actually enjoys visiting every year. Digimon Warrior: Beelzemon Digimon Appearance: [img=] Attribute: Virus Family: Nightmare Soldier Weapon/Item: Beelzemon's clawed gauntlets