[center][B]Realm of Garrn: The Call of Adventure[/B] [IMG]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/254/d/3/guardian_s_crusade___the_world_by_longjh-d6lvscj.jpg[/IMG] [i]"Sit ye'selves down and I will spin you a tale 'at were long lost t'er this human world.. Tis a tale of epic adventure, grand duels 'n combat in a world o' warcraft, magic, dungeons an' the like. A place chock full o' such mystical things ne'er seen in this world. T' tales began Lon' ago, when t' King of The High Tower, Riley Kyon the First, an' his kin marched on the darkened soil of Depthre in t' final march o' t' Great War. All t' races was united 'gainst t' dark lord. T' King 'ad when all 'o a sudden out come a massive Fire Drake from t' North! T'were a battle to end t' ages, an- 'Poligies lads and lasses, seem's like I got a wee'bit carried away. Now then, where was I? Oh! 'Ere it comes back! I reckon I was startin' t' story way too early, about a hundred years, if'm bein' precise. So, 'ere's how it went: Lon' ago in t' mythical and wondrous land o' Garrn, there was a group o' heroes who set out 'pon a dangerous quest. Their journey took 'em all'round t' continents, across t' sea, through forests and mountains, an' forced then t' overcome many difficult obstacles that threatened their mission. They was guided 'long on their quest by a power th' was said t' long since have vanished from t' world. Through determination an' vigil, t' heroes managed to destroy the evil an' make t' world safe once again. The tale started out, much like any great tale of adventure does: some'were quiet an' cosy, most likely 'n a tavern o' some kind.. Ah, yes now I remember! 'T were t' town o' Vestial where t' take first began! On a night o' celebration, no less. With the findin' o' a magical artifact, the heroes would meet in t' local tavern and venture out into t' world t' begin their quest! So, lads and lasses.. Are ye ready t' hear t' greatest tale o' Garrn?"[/i] Hello everybody, Sora here with an always fun idea! Welcome to the Mythical Realm of Garrn, home to all kinds of magical and fantastical creatures, vast regions and landscapes, great ale and pipe weed, but most of all: adventure of the grandest proportions! The main story of the RP will focus on the group of heroes who venture across the world trying to hopefully seal away a great evil who has returned to threaten the land once again. This is based off a combination of things, such as DnD, WoW, Tolkien's LotR/Hobbit, Forsaken World, and multiple other works of Fantasy, but each element comes forth to collect into one massive bundle of absolute joy and awesomeness. That bundle is Garrn. So, I'm looking for at least a few people who would be interested in joining the quest. I'm looking for people who are dedicated, so please don't join, then leave after we have the OoC/IC set up, or we reach an important part of the RP where our characters have all become integral components to the story. Its unfair to me as a GM and I'm sure its unfair to the other players who have collaborated with you. That being said, if you give us a reason for leaving, then that's cool. Still sucks to have one less player, but at least you had the decency to explain you weren't interested anymore or life was getting in the way. Even if it takes a few weeks to post a goodbye, its better then not posting one at all. Anyways, there is a crap-ton more info I have on the world that I really don't feel like including in the Int Check, but there are a large variety of races, a good chunk of lore, and enough places and locations to warrant a proper map. I also have a more elaborated explanation of stuff like magic and alchemy in my notes, but again, its long, tedious, and not really required for the Int Check. So, who's ready for an adventure? Sign your name below if you're ready!.. Or, you know, you could just post and tell me you're interested. Either way works ^^[/center]