He was the last off the helicopter, his eyes roving from person to person and child to child. This was all so new and strange for him. Having lived alone in mountains and woodlands back east. All these people were somewhat distressing for him. He kept a steady left hand on the blade that adorned his hip. He had trouble understanding why people always felt the need to join together in packs. It made them easier targets, and it made them lazy. Yet all of them here to learn one art or another. Yet the most of them were nothing more than children. This was going to be difficult not to kill or harm anyone them. He could tell they were going to think he was strange. He never did fit in well in the towns. He also didn't play well with others. His eyes scanned the building as he aproched following the others he had flown over with. There was something about this place, something he had never felt before. He enjoyed this... Feeling whatever ot is was. Still he reminded himself to keep his mouth shut and his head down. Keep quiet and stay to himself maybe he'd see the morning with out incident.