Name: Thomas Alexander Kritcher Age: 18 Appearance: [img=] Personality: Always calm, except for when he's not. Very observant, Thomas is always taking in information about his surroundings and the people around him. He's a good judge of character, although he has trust issues, and can read most people like a book. He has a real knack for pissing people off and tends to go overboard when he sets his mind to something. Doesn't play well with others, especially if they remind him of himself. History: Thomas had a fairly average childhood. His father was a laborer and his mother had a good job, so most looking in would say he led a good life. Not to say that wasn't untrue, but he never saw it that way. He was most always bored. Even when he was doing something "fun" he found it mundane or childish and his mind wandered. It was this that caused his grades to slip and that which caused him to make new friends and that's what caused his problems from there on out. He was always looking for something to do to keep his mind busy and having degenerates for friends often kept his mind very busy. Eventually he tired of constantly being in trouble with people - school, parents, etc. - and found himself a job to keep busy. It wasn't anything special, but it kept him out of trouble and put some money in his pocket. Money that he often used to go to museums and the like. (Thomas is actually an established character/personality. This is the bare minimum without actually going into the story of his life which would make it a long read that none of you are probably interested in.) Digimon Warrior: Black WarGreymon Digimon Appearance: [img=] Attribute: Virus Family: Metal Empire Weapon/Item: WarGreymon's Dramon Killers