[b]Name:[/b] Elizabelle Alberns [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] She has blond hair tied into a single thick braid behind her, reaching down to her shoulder blades. She has blue eyes and fair skin. She likes wearing makeup, including fake nails. She wears a light grey pinstripe suit and matching skirt, black tights, and red heels. Don't let appearances deceive you; she's tough. Upon closer examination you can see that her body is lean and athletic. [b]Personality:[/b] She's a strict teacher who makes bad guys and problem students cry themselves to sleep at night. She never does anything just to be mean, though, but rather to make them improve on themselves to reach their highest potential. Therefore, she's not the type to hand out detentions and randomly yell at people unless they need a good kick in the rear. She cares deeply for her students and is passionate about her job, and most of the students can see that even if they don't like to admit it at first. If they're not ready, and therefore could quite possibly get themselves or others killed, she'll temporarily suspend them from being able to graduate even if they or their parents loudly object and threaten her. She doesn't let anyone pass without first demonstrating their high quality. Although a stereotype of teachers, apples are truly her favorite food. She eats healthy in general and keeps an athletic lifestyle. She expects others to stay in shape, so "punishments" are often health related such as doing pushups rather then sitting in detention. She doesn't consider what she's doing for things like that punishments because it betters them in the long run. She will smash down the bad guys, but will also try to lift them back up again if she can help it. She wouldn't just allow them to terrorize the town and her students, so would stop them with lethal force, but as a last resort when it's too risky to handle things otherwise. With her level of skill that's seldom necessary. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] Her abilities are that of a highly athletic and skilled women if not using her powers. [b]Intellect-[/b] She teaches for a living and has read many books on all subjects, giving her an extremely high level of book smarts. She's a genius level of iq so it can be expected that she'd be more then just book smart, even if that is her area of expertise. She has photographic memory. [b]School Supply Weaponry-[/b] She has trained to be able to kill or incapacitate someone with anything you might find on a school supply list; a piece of paper, a paperclip, a pencil, a glue stick, scissors (well, that's obvious), etc. She's so good that if a pack of lions attack her all at once and all she has to defend herself is a pencil, she'd probably come out victorious. [b]Karate-[/b] This is her preferred unarmed fighting style. She can take on top karate masters on an even footing. [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [b]Physics Breaker-[/b] She can make use of Newton's Three Laws of Motion, Law of Gravity, Conservation of Mass-Energy, Conservation of Momentum, Law of Thermodynamics, and Electrostatic Laws. Basically, all of the [url=http://physics.about.com/od/physics101thebasics/p/PhysicsLaws.htm]major laws of physics[/url], although only one at a time. She must have physical contact with whatever physics that she's manipulating. For example, she can manipulate Conservation of Mass-Energy by changing any mass she touches into a tremendous amount of energy or reverse the process and transform all of the energy hitting her into a little bit of mass. For Electrostatic Laws, she can create powerful electrostatic fields out of anything she touches, including her own body, for a wide variety of useful purposes, including turning an average pencil into a bullet as if fired from a railgun. Another common use is Conservation of Momentum allowing for her to send all of the momentum to the other object, allowing her momentum to stop dead in it's tracks to allow for a far quicker recovery in addition to causing the foe to absorb all of the force. The extent of her powers within these fields makes recording all potential uses highly difficult, so expect any manipulation within these laws of physics to be possible as long as they don't break the physics. Using her powers mentally drains her and she must be aware of the physics taking place to manipulate them. That means that even if she can change a bullet's path that hits her as part of Newton's Three Laws of Motion, creating a force acting upon the bullet, if she's not aware of the bullet hitting her than she cannot influence it's physics and would be shot like normal. She can always be influencing everything against her to change direction away from her but that would require a lot of mental energy that would strain her tremendously to use for an extended period of time. In conclusion, if she's aware of the physics she's controlling then it can get almost infinite in power as long as it doesn't break the physics, but in doing so it would cause more and more of a sap on her mental strength the further she pushes things. She'd not only become mentally dulled, making her ability to influence physics decrease as it becomes more difficult to think, but it would also cause her to lose consciousness as if in a coma if things are taken too far. She might take days, weeks, or even months to wake up depending on the severity. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] In the alternate reality she comes from, the laws of physics can be learned through intense study to be manipulated just like using one's own body. Elizabelle Alberns was a prodigy, the great great great (etc.) granddaughter of who is known as father of physics Einez Alberns (think of him like this reality's Einstein). She quickly surpassed her teachers in her ability to conceptualize physics, and thus control them so effortlessly compared to most, in her adult years surpassing even the capabilities of the great Einez himself. She went on to teach what she had learned to others as a professor at the prestigious collage of Wintheln, where she graduated from at the age of 10, although by that point she still had a lot to learn. Her skills in other subjects were limited more to a basic level and she didn't really care about them at all unless they helped her understand physics. As such she could still be seen as rather ignorant about a lot of things, making people question if she really deserved to graduate on science related courses alone, only memorizing other stuff long enough to pass courses and than promptly forgetting so that she could make room for processing physics. She didn't make friends easily while a student or teacher but did earn respect from them eventually after raising up many wise pupils. Unfortunately she was unable to detect a problem child named Eluses Grandor, who she assumed to be her star pupil but was actually planning on using his powers for evil deeds from the very beginning. Her being observant only on her limited spectrum blinded her to what should have been obvious, given her position, so she realized that she had to focus more on others than just herself and her physics from then on if she were to be a better influence on the world. Unfortunately it was too late for Eluses and he became one of the most wanted criminals in the world, rumored to even be able to surpass Elizabelle once he found, collected, and studied ancient papers further detailing lost knowledge of physics, knowledge even Elizabelle was unaware of. He is currently at large.