[img=http://www.doublejump.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/post_chars_terry.png] Name: Terry Gender: Male Age: 27 Height: 6'1 Weight: 195 Rank/Title: Mercenary/ Former Soldier with the Earth Federation Special: He is rather charismatic, cheerful and friendly. He is considered a genius in combat possessing years worth of experience. He also has clairvoyance, enabling him to sense others when they are nearby. He is also extremely adaptive and a master martial artist able to use chi energy. [b]Bio:[/b] Born as a orphan in the USA. Terry grew up in the streets, often participating in streets fights and brawls. He was known the "Legendary Hungry Wolf" for his thirst of battle until one day he fought and lost to an Earth Federation Officer. The Officer saw potential in Terry and recruited him into the Earth Federation. About two years after joining the force, the One Year War took place. This is where Terry would gain his extensive experience as a pilot. He has participated in The Battle of Loum where he was noted to save numerous comrades from death at the hands of Zeon. After that battle however he was shipped back to Earth on orders. His participation in Operation Odessa earned him the nickname " Hungry Wolf", due to his tenacity to charge at his targets like a wolf who hungers for its next meal. However after witnessing his commander killing Zeon soldiers that surrendered, Terry got into a heated argument and which he proceed to beat the ever lasting shit out of his commander... He was dismissed from the EF, he then went into isolation becoming a Merc-for-hire. After the war ended, he came across a strange mech located in Egypt during one of his jobs. Located on the side of it was the letters ASTRA-S. He decided to claim it as his and get it tuned up, leading him to discover that the mech contained many black boxes. Terry now looks for work occasionally reading the news and coming across this mysterious war involving whatever hell is called an Autobot. [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/321/2/8/cursed_noir_v2_by_henry1025-d5l8tm2.jpg] Name: ASTRA-S Type: Real Robot Dimensions: 22 meters Weight: 47.6 tonne Strength: 30 Armor: 45 Firepower: 60 Performance: 40 Mobility: 65 (75) * Energy Output: 30 (20) * Sensors: 30 *Light-Shift activated [b]Description:[/b] ASTRA-S1 is a lightweight mecha . Terry discovered the engine is design using protons, electrons, and neutrons.. all configured to give out the best energy output it can possibly have. The wings on the back are the thrusters and there is a cooling system located in the back of the robot. It excels in Air, Land, and Space combat and does fairly decent in water too. Its origins are unknown but its been concluded that it they may be more of them due to the S [b]Weapons:[/b] -beam sword located on the right side of its arm - A detachable beam rifle located on its right leg. - Misses that are stocked in its shoulders. - A pistol that is placed on its left side. - Located in it's back above the cooling system are weapon modifications that enable it to modify its rifle into a cannon or adjust the barrel to set-up for long range sniping. - A standard shield that has anti-laser coating. [b]Abilities:[/b] -Afterimages that have mass due to the immense heat its thrusters produced -An energy barrier that can last for 5 minutes, that completely protects the mecha from energy based and regular based weaponry -AI that constantly learns and adapts, much like Terry, improving performance and combat effectiveness. -[b]Light-shift[/b]v: Powering up its Thrusters to the max enables this mech to move at speeds that has it seem like its teleporting: often used together with the Afterimages..- Energy consumption increases... -Black Boxes