When the Shadow King was struck by the attacks of Aya, all it did was make him grin even more evilly. The attacks did nothing, though Darkshadow was now further away from him. “Don’t you want to play little Shadow” making him eye those around him. “It will be easier if you don’t resist me.” Before he could do anything else the Shadow King noticed he was being imprisoned in an earth like tomb making him laugh as he was covered completely. At first it seemed like it worked as no movement was made though after a minute had passed he escaped the earth like prison and forced it to collapse around him. He still had his grin as he went “If you won’t play with me then I know who will.” His first step was away from where Aya and Darkshadow were. He seemed hell-bent on getting a body and none of them could really stop them. He did not pay attention to John, X-23 or Bamf either. His street rat was down for the count forcing him to charge to the one other mutant who was left and it was not Wolverine. Like a stampeding rhino he charged to the mutant he wanted, hitting any and all he got in the way. She was left pretty much defenseless. Plasma was his target though by this point Plasma had just got up from what she did not too long ago. The Shadow King shouted “Too late X-Men, I win this time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” He soon leaps into the host which knocks Plasma back a few steps. The mutant known as Plasma soon found herself standing still as she put her hands on her head before screaming like she was being tortured. She could hear the Shadow King speak “Bend to my will little puppet, I have plans for you. But first let’s break you in.” Another blood curdling scream left the lips of Plasma before finding herself crashing to the ground like she had suddenly entered a coma like state. The Shadow King put his grip around Plasma’s inner spirits neck in order to keep her in control and to make her obey him. “Rest little Plasma, rest.” Wolverine had watched the whole thing and he was not happy one bit as he roared out some orders. “We are withdrawing, bring Storm and Plasma here and let’s get out of here.” The last part he sounded disappointed though he was not disappointed with the newbies but at himself for letting this happen though he was powerless to stop the Shadow King himself. He soon whispered to himself “Sorry kid, I did not mean for this to happen.” He waited for the X-Men to return to the Blackbird. Within Wolverines mind he said “Charles we have a problem.” When they were on board he lifted off with the Black Bird leaving the battlefield behind him and setting off to return the students back home. He was pretty quiet at this point, he hoped the newbies were not down in the damps either.