Magnus waited for orders from higher up or else teamwork, what he got instead was questioned orders and now they were down a teammate. He took out a second needle and teleported beside the newest victim before he stabbed plasma right in her neck to neutralize her with shadowking stuck inside. He hoped Xavier could pull them apart later, but for now it was a wash. "Blöd verdammten Dummköpfe, Loki Ihre Seelen für Spielsachen" He screamed out to no one in particular as he hoisted Plasma to one shoulder and trudged her up the stairs. On a good day German was not the kindest of sounding languages, now with him in a tiff it really did emphasize his displeasure. Dear Loki he needed to unwind, sushi and seven samurai when he got to his room. For now, he plopped in his chair on the black bird and popped a pain killer for his back before it started to scream at him.