The counter girl giggled girlishly. "Thank you, sir!" She was obviously falling all over herself, completely charmed. "Seven paninis, Sinnoh style, and a soy latte. Coming right up, sir." She took his card and slid it in her machine. "Is there anything else? Drinks for your companions?" Meanwhile, the tired girl with Tobias tried to pick her head up to look at him. Her dark gaze was distant and unsteady, but at least she was trying. "T-tell you... what?" Her lips upturned into a wobbly smile. "Prism... Tower... It's got... over... a million lights on it..." She chuckled weakly, as if pleased, and her head took another dangerous dip downward. (In the background of the cafe, a distinct swear could be heard from the cook as he was asked to make 7 paninis at once.)