Richard didn't need to be told twice, and after making sure it was clear, he started the truck and got them on their way. His pace was much slower and incredibly wary- he'd never thought of using a vehicle as a weapon. It had been wasteful, but utterly effective. In the back of the truck, Jinny was staring off blankly. The smell of gunpowder and blood filled her nose, and Mr. Josh's voice came at her from a long way away. Her hands were burning with pain, and then the careful weight of his hand closed on the top of the gun. Slowly, weakly, she pried her fingers free of the handle, making another weak noise. Once the gun was completely out of her hands, she dropped her head and a sob escaped her. She'd killed someone. What if the man with the bat had kids? Then she was like a raider, taking someone's daddy away from them. Hot tears began to squeeze their way out of her closed eyes, and she started to shake violently.