Takiko nodded at him recognizing his praise, she might start feeling proud when they had time to rest. Then she looked at James and back at Ryan again, trying to think of the best way to carry the guy up the stairs. Ryan was more the nerdy type, it seemed. She normally wouldn't care, but now they needed to lift practically dead.weight up two sets of stairs. It actually looked like she was the stronger one. And she was smaller, so they'd be a bit more balanced when headed up the stairs. "I'll take the shoulder, you take the feet?" she asked him, already heading over to squatting down by James and reaching for his shoulders. Together, they started lifting James upstairs. The first set of stairs proved difficult, but going slowly, without being too slow, they made it into the hallway, whre they had to set him down for a bit, taking a short break. Takiko wiped her forehead with her sleeve again, feeling the strong need of a good long bath to get all the dirt and sweat out of her pores. She had managed a quick wash the day before, but nothing compared to soaking in hot water for an hour. SHe couldn't remember the last time she had actually felt absolutely clean. Wtih a sigh, she untied her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders. It almost reached to her hips now. After untangling it a bit with her fingers she proceeded to pile it on the back of her head again and fix it in a bun again. She used to love wearing it open but these days it was mostly in the way. Her eyes fell on Ryan and she nodded her head towards the second flight of stairs. "Let's get it over with?" she asked, while taking position again. Once uptairs, she directed them into one of the rooms to their right and, as she had remembered, there was a wide bed inside. It was issing any sheets or pillows, of course, but they were lucky it was one of the few pieces of furniture that had been put or left in the otherwise empty house. Carefully and under, from second to second worse, aching muscles, they placed the still uncoscoius James on the bed. RId of the weight, Takiko slumped down, breathing hard, arms, back and legs burning from the exhaustion. She took deep, even breaths for a while before getting up again and sitting by James' side, finger feeling for his puls, which was reassuringly growing stronger, before she placed her hand on his forehead. Warm, but not yet anything to worry about. She sighed in relief and looked at Ryan. "I'll go get my things, look after him for a bit?" She didn't wait for an answer, instead hurried out the door and into the basement with wobbly, aching legs, afraod they might not hold her anymore if she waited even one second longer. It took her no time at all to be back upstairs in the room. She nodded at Ryan for thanks and then proceeded to take off her hoodie, balling it up and carefully placing it under James head, then unfolded her jacket to cover him with it, though her rather small jacket barely managed to cover his borad shoulders. The basement had been cold and night would be coming soon, she couldn't risk him getting too cold, though it left her her jeans and black tanktop. With a small sigh, she sat down, leaning her back against the bed and proceeded to free her hands of gloves and patches, taking a look at the several small and big scratched covering her skin, before starting to treat them, though it was kind of hard to do so for herself.