Sycamore turned slightly, hanging around as he waited for his card to be returned. At the mention of drinks for his companion, he turned his head slightly, smiling ever so slightly. "Perhaps just a cup of black coffee with an extra shot of caffeine for the young lady," he requested, "Please? There'll be a nice tip for you if you can keep up with anything else we need," he added. Then, hearing the cook get the order and react rather abrasively, Sycamore couldn't help but laugh as he took a seat. As he pulled out a chair, he beckoned with a wide arm gesture. While it was oddly amazing to hear that, Tobias soon regained his focus. As he head dropped, he grabbed her chin, stopping her from doing it again. "Come on, stay awake..." he murmured. It was then that Sycamore hailed them. With a sigh of relief, Tobias assisted- one could say dragged- the weary girl over to the table and set her in a seat- one he made sure had a back. It was oddly easy to set her in the chair- she was really light. Taking his own seat, with Harvey clambering slowly to his shoulder before sliding carefully down his backpack strap and into the boy's lap, Tobias looked to the Professor with concern. "So... what now?" he asked, his tone hushed. "Now we eat," Sycamore declared, "Well, once it's ready."