Illiendi watches the other squirm as a bird watches a worm squirm before inevitably being caught up in his talons. A placid sort of stare, one not of malice, hate or love, with no regret or sorrow just with simply being, a simple inevitably as common as the rise and set of the sun each day. Illiendi’s eyes never wandered and their intense and yet distant gaze rested heavily on his charge, watching for every tiny reaction to his own words. Upon the word ‘Master’ there was a most entertaining reaction and as the boy ducked his eyes away the prince of hell whispered, “Oh but you liked it [i]Master[/i] didn’t you? The power, the authority. As long as I serve you I will call no other Master and defer to no other authority.” A corner of the demon’s lips began to curl up faintly, the boy was always treated as such, a kid, a nuisance, a thing to humour with such insulting terms as ‘young master’. Never to be a real Master until fate handed him Illiendi on the end of a leash and now the boy had a taste of power, not just the blood that was in his pet’s veins but to have utter control of another creature. Oh he could imagine the look on Amano’s fathers face when he saw the pair, on all those that had grown up with Amano thinking he would amount to nothing and that he’d be lucky if he didn’t trip and crack his head open over the cobbles. His brothers no doubt thinking him a burden, feeling embarrassed and sorry for their little brother for he’d inherit nothing and thus would be nothing. Foolish little humans, he wondered which one, father or brothers, would offer him the most money to abandon Amano and which would try and force him away. There would be a jealousy, perhaps a fear that came with Illiendi’s presence, his smart dressed suit, his other worldly yet handsome features. If nothing else they would covet Amano’s new pet simply because it was Amano’s and he so rarely had anything of his own. Oh yes, it would be awfully entertaining to watch their reactions. “Two days gives us plenty of time.” He purred over folded fingers to the still squirming Amano, his cheek resting lightly on his folded fingertips. “Tonight we will return to your home, it would be good to see your family before your voyage and an idea to inform them of your intent. Even Lords gossip and if controlled gossip is a very lucrative weapon. Besides, I would see this family of yours before we leave.” See the people who had not so much as bothered to look for their missing family member when he had not returned home, such lax people that infested the surface of this world nowadays. “We shall set off from here and enquire immediately as to where the best place to purchase a ship will be and set to gathering rations and supplies for the journey.” The boy spoke and his smile grew a little wider though no less warm and no less sharp and wicked. “I can teach you things but it would not be taken well for a servant to act a master, no our lessons will be kept private and simple and you will learn or fail quickly through trial and error. “ As the server drops off the second cup of tea the demons eyes briefly follow the boy before returning to Amano. “You misunderstand [/i]Master[/i] the Cabin boy is to run errands for you, you are a Lord and such work as ships work is below your station. Your servant shall work the ship, we shall have a gripper, a Captain if you will, to steer and navigate and we shall have a trusted man of his, if we acquire a small ship it is all we need and you can convince the Gripper no others will be needed. I will acquaint myself with nautical sailing tonight while the household sleeps.” The knowledge of his training in blades was a small comfort, he could, at least, defend himself if such became a necessity, a rapier would end an air of gravitas and sophistication when the announcement was made, along with a fine suit it would paint a picture that would, one hoped, stick within one’s mind until their return. A dagger was a blade much preferred to keep concealed in ones cabin or on ones person. “The dagger you will keep hidden at all times, none is to even know you possess it before or during our voyage. Your rapier you will have sharpened, polished and a good sturdy scabbard made for it, you will wear it the day we depart for all to see, a statement piece that will keep your image fresh in their minds.” At the latter speech from the boy the demon’s smile broke and he began to laugh, it was not a kind laugh and yet somehow it was not unkind either. It was a laugh that simply was and while short lived the demons laugh was like thunder and like fire and yet as soft as rabbit fur all at once. As soon as such a laugh was over the demons eyes levelled back upon the boy and an amused grin remained, lopsidedly, on his face. “Oh my [i]Master[/i].” His long slender fingers brushing beneath Amano’s chin and tilting his young master’s face up to his level, this thumb caressing against his jaw line, “We will indeed show them all.” Lightly Illiedni used index finger to poke Amano’s nose and then leaned back, slipping from his chair to move to Amano’s side, blocking Amano from the little restraint and vice versa. He dropped his voice low and his chill and yet warm hands came to gently guide Amano as he spoke. “First lesson, you are a Lion not a mouse. Shoulders back –“ He gently pulled Amano’s shoulders back before placing a hand to his back to straighten that too. “-Back straight, chin up.” He slipped one hand beneath Amano’s chin until it was parallel to the ground and then gave a light flick to his chest. “Chest out but you’re not a canary, you’re not trying to look puffed up, just proud.” Brushing a strand of hair from Amano’s eyes he grinned and took a step back, offering his master a cotton handkerchief to wipe his face.