[hider=My Spoiler]Mission 1 Training[/hide r] [hider=My Spoiler]objectives.... Go to talented soldiers classes Pass the final obstacle course Get TED Talk too General for first mission PASS FIRST MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/hide r] [hider=My Spoiler]Objective one, part one, talent orientation and battling[/hide r] "Ok fruit flies," the Sargent said, "today we are welcoming a necromancer named Necrore Manson. Necrore meet the rest. This is Johny, he's a fire starter. Sarah can sense what's in peoples hearts and read minds. Henry can shoot lasers from his eyes. And lastly, Clara can stretch." I said "hi all, Sargent, what's ur talent?" He said, "I can shape shift. Now sit. Class, another student is gonna be hear in a couple of days. Right now open your text books and...........(2 hours later)........ and that's how u kill someone with ur nose. (Class bell rings.) Ok, all dismissed." As Necrore was walking Johny stopped him and said "leave now or be burned to death!!!" I simply said "thanks for the advice, i think ill just stay a while." He said "then don't go to bed tonight buddy."