The elevator stopped for Adrian on the 'tech' level, by the time it had started moving, both the floor and console were slicked with red blood. When the doors opened, a rather sad sight awaited anyone on the other side. Adrian was leaning against the left wall with his un damaged shoulder, his right side was the source of the mess in the elevator. His had tried staunching the flow from his shoulder with his right hand, hence the control panel for the elevator looking a mess. Unfortunately, it wasn't a face that was ready to feel sorry for Adrian's rather sad state. Fortunately the wasn't anyone there at all yet. Adrian shuffled slowly out of the elevator, he looked down at his currently useless right hand as he walked. He could feel a familiar warmth spreading from the wound in his shoulder, "finally" he managed to murmur as he kept moving in his injured version of a walk. Movement had become noticeably easier by the time the map in his mind brought him before another doorway, this one was a set of large, reinforced double doors. His left hand still held the sonic screwdriver, he realised at that moment he must have dropped it somewhere behind him. He didn't expect Doctor Taylor would want his identification card back if it was covered in blood. The control panel next to the doors yielded to the sonic screw driver as well. As the doors opened, Adrian stepped into the room beyond with only a slight pause as his nose once more cracked back into place. The back of his left hand came up to touch his nose in a futile attempt at making the pain fade away. He was healing faster now, but as helpful as it seemed to be, he couldn't hold the thought that this was a good thing. Instead, his mind told him something very clear, which even in his still pain boggled state, caused him to move faster. He needed to hurry up, time was running out. The room beyond the double doors was a vault of sorts for unidentified, damaged but otherwise harmless technology. It was currently housing much of the Sontaran ship that had destroyed most of the Houses of Parliament. The particular part he wanted was sitting in the middle of the room, suitably pooled in the light from a spot lamp set into the ceiling above. It made the device look almost divine in its appearance. His heart beat faster at the sight of this device, this was the scanner, the one thing that could tell him for sure if all of the others were right and that he was a monster. Or if Cassie was right and he was...not a normal man, but not a threat to the planet at any rate. He shuffled to the device, he didn't notice that the doors stood open behind him. There wasn't anyone else in the room that he could see, not that he cared. His heart beat so fast that again, it felt as if he had two of the things, maybe this device could tell him what was wrong inside his chest at the same time. He reached the console and something struck him as odd, the control panel was open, not just the control panel to use it, but the one above that would allow information input. The Sontarans must have been keying in the planet eater's bio-signature when everything had gone to hell. Adrian only hoped that the code had been completed before the crash. The amnesiac raised his left hand over the console, his little, ring and middle finger let go of the sonic screwdriver while his index and thumb kept hold of it. Now he just needed to figure out how to use the damned thing. Martha had reached the elevator too late, she glared at the blood covering the floor before eyeing the trail. She took a step to follow the trail when a thought struck her. If this was a planet eating monster...why would bullets be affecting him? Why was there so much blood? More was it still looking like blood? Surely that would be a waste for an 'injured' shape shifting monster, just leave behind bio matter and what would be the point of looking hurt? She knelt down near a large puddle of blood in front of the open doors of the elevator. He had been moving slowly, definitely injured then. She dipped her left little finger into the puddle and looked at the liquid more closely. It had the texture, the colour, even the smell of what it looked like, it was blood. It also wasn't eating into her fingers, the thought of which made her wipe her pinky on a clean bit of wall. Her mind paused as other possibilities she hadn't contemplated till now began to bubble up. What had this man, thing, whatever - actually done? The only 'proof' they had was from the mouth of a man who's words had always (or at least usually) gone unquestioned. Certainly, no one had even had a thought against him since this mess had started...until now anyway. The level she was on made sense now, the 'harmless' pieces of the Sontaran ship had been brought here, the techs had thought it odd that most of the equipment wasn't even designed for battle. But the ship also hadn't looked particularly 'smoothed out' as if it was a prototype that no one had finalised the designs of. At this thought, Martha started sprinting, now she knew what the man was looking for. She should have been looking for the same thing. Doctor Malcolm Taylor was fidgeting as the group was led down several more corridors. There was a bleeping coming from somewhere and he had a really bad idea as to where it was coming from. "What is that?" The Silurian woman - Akana, whispered to him, only to earn a shove from a guard that she very nearly hissed at. Malcolm pulled the device from his pocket and looked at it, he wasn't being discreet about it. "What is that?" The guard asked, the others stopped in their 'prisoner transport' and all their eyes fell on the doctor. "It reading from Adrian...he's been giving off massive readings of energy build up...inside of him...he's only getting worse." Now the guns were raised and pointed at his head, "why didn't you say this earlier?!" Malcolm panicked, "I thought we had time to explain the situation to Doctor Martha Smith!" Each guard looked at their officer for the kill order, Akana was just staring at the man in shock. She remembered the nightmare that had taken Adrian as he had slept, the result had been a release of golden energy. Adrian let muscle memory guide his trembling fingers, the pain had just about dissipated, but now he kept having what he couldn't describe as anything else except 'hot flushes'. It felt like his whole body was healing over and over again, he removed his fingerless gloves and threw them aside. This action allowed him to see the backs of his hands and the fact his veins were pulsing with a golden light as every hot flush took hold. He frowned and lifted his right hand to get a better look in the light above. A bleep for the scanner brought his attention back to it and with his right hand working at the same time, he felt a little more comfortable as he worked. His finger found the buttons and keys until finally his left hand was on a screen scanning his hand while his right was resting on a lever, steady to pull it down. "Go on then" Adrian turned his head at a familiar voice and found his eyes meeting Cassie's. "You made it" he said relieved, but a tiny part of his mind wondered 'how?' He frowned slightly as he noticed her clothes, had she changed in the time they had been apart? He didn't recognise the clothes as being on her, but the shade of purple her top was brought an image to his mind. Another blonde girl, straight hair, unlike Cassie and...there was something else about this other woman he couldn't out his finger on. Adrian pinched his nose as a headache came with the image, the shard of memory and the pain distracted him from noticing anything wrong with Cassie's appearance. "Activate it" her voice called him back to reality and he opened his eyes again. He turned his head, placed his left hand back on the scanning screen, now he looked at his right hand...and hesitated. Had he seen something akin to fear in her eyes? He closed his eyes again and pushed the lever down, the machine shuddered, but even damaged as it was and removed from the ship, it had its own power source and started working. The lights which had been idly shining up and moving around from the screen under Adrian's left hand, now focused. They ran over his skin and each beam made his palm tingle. He opened his eyes to another shudder and a bleep from the machine. Symbols he shouldn't have and wouldn't have understood if he were Human, flashed up in a holographic fashion before his eyes. The answer was literally, staring him in the face, it even had a recording playing right next to it. 'DNA Recognised - 'Unnamed Planetary Threat' - Destruction HIGHLY Recommended.' The recording showed the destruction of a planet, the true form of the monster, of -him- sliding over it and devouring everything from the atmosphere to the energy in the core. He knew just from watching it the people were long gone, the ships surrounding the planet. Even designed as they were for evacuation, he knew they were empty, the people inside were long dead. How could he know that if it wasn't true? Adrian stumbled back from the scanner and turned slightly before collapsing into a sitting position. He sat on the ground, his body facing the double doors of the vault, his legs were in a half crossed position, hands resting on his slack knees. Adrian's head hung low, the hot flushes had been banished by how cold his body had become at the sight of the scan's result. He only looked up when he heard the 'click'. It was Cassie, she had pulled the hammer back on a side arm, one she must have been carrying stuffed down the back of her pants. He swallowed and looked from the gun to her face, his face was reddening with the tears now welling up in his eyes. Adrian's face only held an expression of despair, Cassie's was set in one of satisfaction but also betrayal. He could feel niggling, yet growing tendrils of self hate unraveling in his mind and wrapping around his heart, making them selves known. Cassie had come into the large vault and was now ten paces from Adrian, a rookie would have to be pretty bad to miss the target. But her hand was too steady, she wasn't untrained, something she hadn't told him? Or just certainty strengthening her resolve? "I'm sorry, Cassie" Adrian whispered in the silence of the room. She didn't need to say her next words loudly for him to hear them, nor did she, they were whispered. "You lied to me" Adrian's face paled once more and he felt sick, he shook his head and gritted his teeth as the tears threatened to over flow. "No, please, Cassie, you have to understand! I didn't know..." He trailed off as she took a threatening step towards him. His hands had been raised in expression as he'd spoken, now though they clenched into fists and lowered back to his knees. He looked away from Cassie as his lips peeled back from his teeth in a despaired half snarl, half suppressed cry of anger focused as himself. "There you go" Cassie whispered, catching his attention once more, "snarling like the rabid monstrosity you are." Adrian hiccoughed slightly as he chocked back a sob, tears ready to stream freely. It was as if she was reading his mind, he should have just jumped off of that building, damn Akana and her 'morality' she should have left him to it. "I...I nearly didn't come here, you know?" His voice was shaking as he spoke, "I was ready to jump off a roof but Akana stopped me...said I should have spoken to you first..." He looked at the ground between the two of them, "should have saved us all the time and trouble of getting here, Monster. Should have been able to tell what I'd say too finding out what you really are." Now it was her turn to come close to tears, "why did you ever have to come into my life?" He looked up at her again, she looked so...crushed, he'd caused her house to be shot to pieces, her life turned upside down. "I'm sorry, Cassie..." He swallowed again, those words seemed to come to his lips so easily. 'I'm sorry' how often had he said those words before today? As he'd ripped through billions of lives and destroyed every last one. "Do you know how many people I'll be saving by killing you?" She asked almost calmly. His answer for her words was quick, he didn't even need to think about it. "Not as many as I've killed" the words rang true in every part of his mind, nothing gave an answer against it. Adrian heard the bullet before he realised it had hit him. The force of the projectile threw him back against the ground, he was lying face up when she stood over him. He felt the warmth of his unnatural healing pool around the chest wound, somewhere near his heart he imagined. Cassie frowned and levelled the weapon down at him again, now emptying the clip into his chest, left and right sides. His body jumped with every impact, now the warmth leaked away with his blood. But he could only look at Cassie and watch as she held the the gun is such a way that suggested she was about to club him to death with the butt of the weapon. He barely registered the weapon being shot out of her hand, he couldn't lift his head and look at his 'rescuer'. He wanted to tell them not to, 'don't stop her' he wanted to say, 'use your gun too' but he couldn't form the words. His mind clicked over strange points, it held the fact that this must have been what dying felt like, not to mention that the warm liquid he was coughing up was blood. Considering the lead now in his chest, is was safe to say that Cassie had hit one if not both lungs. Adrian's eyes unfocused, he shut them tight to try and get them back to normal, he wanted to see who finally finished him off after all. Martha rounded the corner to the vault and stopped dead at the sight before her, the doors were wide open. She stopped and wondered what she might find in there, the Doctor's earlier words of warning about the planet eater caused her to hesitate. The sound of a gun shot pulled her out of the trance and she ran to the doors, weapon raised, she stopped and stared at the second sight to make her stop dead in as many seconds. Standing - in very different clothing to the last images she had seen her in - was Cassie. She was alone and armed with a hand gun, standing over the otherwise prone form of 'Adrian'. Her brain froze entirely as she watched an innocent looking girl empty her clip into a defenceless looking man. Instinctively she shot the gun out of the other woman's hand, hopefully doing no harm to her, but she didn't have enough mind to think past the confusion of the situation. Her mind cleared somewhat when the 'innocent looking girl' turned and looked at her with a snarl that no Human mouth had the muscles to make. The...thing...looking like Cassie Baker took a step towards Martha, who took a step back at the same time, weapon raised and aiming at a new target. The creature stopped moving and seemed to listen to something Martha couldn't hear, a moment later it turned and fled from Doctor Jones. Martha had an idea who it might be running to, but she still couldn't be sure. Doctor Martha Smith raised her side arm at the prone form of the man before her. Only her medical training and especially her experiences with the Doctor kept her from shooting him. The man didn't even seem to realise she was there as his eyes opened and looked at the spot light above him. His eyes were soon most of the way closed, squinted with pain, his breathing was coming in quick, short gasps and his skin was deathly pale. Everything about him that she could see told her 'blood loss'. Martha walked up to the man and lowered her weapon, keeping it away from him. His eyes opened slightly wider and he seemed to almost recognise her. Adrian gave the smallest smile and whispered something that would have been too quiet for the security systems to pick up. Martha swallowed as her eyes widened, but she couldn't ask if she had heard correctly because at that moment, the man's eyes rolled back. Martha dropped the gun and knelt at his side, she put pressure on the wounds too numerous to stop bleeding. She grabbed her radio from her belt and clicked it on, the next words flying from her mouth were the scream garbled orders for "bandages" as well as other medical equipment. Mixed up somewhere in it all was a call for medical personnel and for Malcolm and the other people to be brought to the vault. "Alons y" The frantic shouting over the radio allowed Malcolm to keep his head intact. At Martha's screamed orders the guards started running to take their 'prisoners' to the Sontaran tech vault. It was obvious from Doctor Smith's tone, never mind her words, that there was something terribly wrong. Else where, the creature still in the form of the Doctor's eleventh incarnation smiled as his minion reformed from a ventilation shaft next to him. "I couldn't have you killing him just yet, I still need something from him." He was no longer talking 'in character' his voice changed dramatically when he wasn't drawing from the Doctor's memories to match his personality. He started walking with his creation close behind and made his way back to the vault.